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Save-Point - Party Overdrive (XP)


Full Version: Party Overdrive (XP)
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Hey guys! This request shouldn't be too hard at all, I think. We all know the basic overdrive scripts, or those quite similar to them (like Blizzys SR system). What I want is an overdrive bar for the whole party, quite much like the one in "Riviera to the promised Land (GBA, PSP)" (you can look up pictures on the net). So when any actor in the party gains damage the bar fills up. As soon as the bar reaches a value of 1000 (bar max should 3000) Lvl1 overdriveskill can be used by one actor.

There are 3 lvls of ODskills.

lvl 1 skills need at least an overdrive value of 1000 or more
lvl 2 skills need at least an overdrive value of 2000 or more
lvl 3 skills need the max overdrive value of 3000.

Depending on the lvl the skills also decrease the bar by the set value (1000, 2000 or 3000), meaning if the bar is at max three actors could each use an overdriveskill of lvl 1 and so on...

I hope this is an understandable explanation...
Thanks in advance for any help!