
Full Version: Conditional + Combo Skills
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Conditional + Combo Skills
Version: 2.0

This script allows you to define combo/conditional skills. A skill combo is a set of skills that can be combined together to create a more power skill. A conditional skill is a skill that requires an extra condition to work properly. This is a huge revision from the first version

  • A slew of conditions for use (ex. status inflicted, switch, battleback, etc.)
  • A new Window Option that keeps track of the skills you unlocked
  • Info window tells what skills are required and the extra conditions as well


Download Here

Detailed Instructions are given in the script
You must add the menu option to your CMS

Charlie Fleed Wrote:I haven't looked at the entire script (link please?), but it looks like the author used @have_item where @use_item was needed.
So there's a bug in the demo where a change has to be made. It's fair to say, this is what to look for.

Note: Permission granted by Trickster to post:
Quote:And if you post what you have now of my stuff then you don't have the latest versions. I'm too lazy/busy to post stuff.
As this is his material, it is deletable upon his request. Due to his current absense, no support is available. Please do not PM or eMail him for support.

All methods were aliased except for Game_Actor sp=
Yes this is incompatible with RTAB, don't ask me to merge them!
Conditions from version 1.0 may have been changed or removed
SDK compliant

Terms and Conditions
Hey, I posted this publicly. You can use it. What do you expect? But if you do use it, I do expect you to spell my name correctly in your game. And yes you can use it in commercial games too.
Bump for notice.

A glitch was found by Lunchbox19464431 and the repair was almost immediately found by Charlie Fleed. Repair instructions are now in the first post.