
Full Version: Maps and screenshots thread
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At any rate, that's a beautiful tileset, Charlie. You're lucky to have such an artist on your team!
Here is a Gameplay Video of my first Demo, the Title of the Game is still Placeholder^^ The Game is in German but depending on the reactions I will translate it in English. The Video is split in two parts, so enjoy it (In the end of the first part you can click on the box to watch the second one)^^
And special thanks to Charlie for the awesome Battlesystem :D Also many thanks to everyone else in the credits section :)
[Image: th_8.png]
[Image: 9.png]
[Image: th_10.png]
First time ever using the tiles that stretch down into the darkness...

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What do you guys think? Any suggestions would help! Blushing + Cheery
It's an ok map. I don't think those crystals and grey rocks should really be there, they don't match with the cave colors imho... and what about the rope ladders? can they be reached?
Charlie Fleed, the tombstone is good but little bland, maybe you can put some ornament in the middle of the tomb? Like R.I.P word or White Cross

MagitekElite, the map is nice but I think you need to get of rid that rope ladder, it's kind a weird to see the ladder in position where no one can use it.
The cave use to be accessed by people climbing up from the bottom, but I couldn't find any torn looking rope Happy with a sweat I'll remove the ropes and rock/crystals! :>
OR You edit the chipset and add torn rope. Just take the image, copy/paste it then put a dark brown on the top.
I don't have any torn rope and I'm not that great of a spriter yet Sweat

Is this better?

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Charlie: Those rocks and gravestones look awesome. =O

MagitekElite: Yes, it looks more natural now. =)