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I think it looks really dark... kinda hard to see what's going on. I'd either lighten the whole thing a little or expand how far the light goes from your torches and maybe let the crystals emit a little light?
Very cheery

Changed! How is this?

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I wanted purple for the crystals (as light), like a test shot someone made of my map, but I can't seem to get the color to stay (turns black or transparent)...I'll keep trying! :33
MagitekElite, those are some snazzy (cool) effects :)
Thanks, Metal! Blushing + Cheery

So I wanted to try my hand at parallel mapping last night, turned GIMP on and started to mess around. The map itsself may not be good, I know, but I just wanted to try. Promised someone I would :D

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I see you put the Particle Engine I PMed you to good use, MagitekElite. :Cheery:
DerVVulfman's non-admin testing account.
Yes I did. The particle script is incredibly useful (especially in my snowy maps)! Blushing + Cheery

I had to manually add light to the crystal staffs and entrances etc, with the help of a Picture script that automatically centers the image (so it doesn't move) lol
I would think if you wanted a purple light for the crystals you could use the crystal image and create a light effect (similar to the lamp light effect) that's purple... just a thought.... but it looks 100% better :)
I tried purple once more, but the color doesn't stay purple when I upload. I was messing around and found out not a lot of colours can be used...But once I find the right purple, I can easily make a change to the colors xD
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Maybe this will be my windowskin for the project game I'm working on.
[Image: ss0001.png]
Btw, I made it. Confused
(05-26-2011, 02:36 AM)xnadvance Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe this will be my windowskin for the project game I'm working on.
[Image: ss0001.png]
Btw, I made it. Confused
Love the borders and the selection box, but I think you should darken the background a tad. The text is hard to see.