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noted. I took the two caverns that connect and made the maps bigger so it won't look like you're at the edge.

This is Green Oaks. The Junior College Of Witchery And Magic Making sits at the top of Greyrock, overlooking the desert and ocean beyond.
[Image: GreenOakswip.png]
From a distance the map looks -very- nice. But the fact of the matter is that you don't see the map from so far away so we'd need to study it in much more detail.

Firstly, the map is very empty, there isn't a lot of detail (like different coloured grass or small plants).
Secondly, the green "covering" at the sides and top doesn't work so well. It's a shame to use that to cover up the map rather then filling that in too. I know it's meant to represent trees, but the truth is, it's misleading because it doesn't please the eye or even make the player believe there are trees there.

My advice is to add more detail then to surround the map with a thick forest. You can stop the player from entering by putting blank tiles that deny passage on the top layer.
its still a work in progress, there are going to be more houses off to the right, and different plants and grasses and such will follow.
Well the main issue is that green stuff then. ^^
then what should i do with it? i have it pretty much everywhere else in my game to act as a natural barrier. the way i see it, it's just there to let the player know that they can't go that way, when i see boundaries drawn that way in games, i just accept that i can't go that way, and look for another path around.
I'm actually in charge of DRAWING the maps for a game. I ditched my own project because of my health issues which will hopefully clear up soon >_< and decided to be JUST a map drawer for one of my team's smaller game projects. And they'd decided to go with a "storybook" feel to the maps so what I'm doing is painting the individual maps on Photoshop and adding sharpen filters. Here's an example, but I drew this all on one layer ONLY AS A TEST so the filtering is too hard on some areas and too light on other areas which will be fixed in the game along with the other overlay effects they'll be needing, etc. I haven't gotten to work on a actual map yet because the leader hasn't given me the assignment BUT when he does I'll be giving some screenshots~

[Image: sharpened.png]
i already want to play that :))))

[Image: misplaced2.png]
Does that count as a screenshot? ôo
I'll give some feedback anyway.
You should work on the trrees. Filing them with just one collour without any more details looks strange. And your leafes have a similar problem, they resemble Confetti.
You did a good job with gradually using darker colours though.
i'll try to add some simple texture to the trees, he leaves were a huge pain because of how many there are. when i tried to move big groups of them around, it almost crashed illustrator xD. as long as hey look enough like leaves that the connection is made, im happy. my attention span is very limited while im working on something so tedious, so im just glad i got something done at all.

in the meantime, here is the entire first island of my game. i took screenshots of the different maps to cobble this together. some maps are turned to reflect the directions they actually face (stupid lack of 3d) The Misplaced Forest has an anti-logic field, which makes it impossible to map accurately, basically it's like the Lost Woods from the first Zelda.

Click the thumbnail for full view.
[Image: th_ArborsEvemap1.jpg]