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Save-Point - Action Button Image


Full Version: Action Button Image
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Hey there, I'm in need of a new script/some help to make this script, for RMXP. I made this with events but it's really hard/long to use.

I'll try to be as clear as I can be, but don't hesitate to ask anything, or to tell me something like "Can't be done"!

So basically, what I want is a picture (Let's say, "Commands") to be shown when a certain switch (Let's say 001) is ON. This would look like this :

Content Hidden

So far, it's easy and can be done with Events. But then, here's my problem. When you are near a NPC, a new picture pops up, looking like this :

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I'm currently using a tone of variables to make this appear when my character's X is equal to Event's X -1 or +1, or the character's Y is equal to Event's Y -1 or +1. It's easy when you have only one event, but when you have lots of NPC you can talk to, lots of places to Examine, etc., the event way is really a pain in the ass. So, I'll try to put there what I want in this script :

If the event has the comment "Talk", then the 2nd image "CommandsTalk" would pop up if the character's X is equal to Event's X -1 or +1, or the character's Y is equal to Event's Y -1 or +1.

If the event has the comment "Examine" and has the option "Through" marked on, then the 2nd image "CommandsExamine" would pop up if the character's X and Y are equal to Event's X and Y.

If the event has the comment "Examine" and has the option "Through" marked off, then the 2nd image "CommandExamine" would pop up if the character's X is equal to Event's X and if the character's Y is equal to Event's Y -1.

Basically, that's what I would want. The problem is that I have no idea on how to say "if event has comment "Talk", do this" at all and to define the event's x and y without variables.

Oh, and one thing that could be cool (but not that important after all), is that if I talk/examine the event, the Image would just disapear until the dialog/whatever is finished. When it's finished, the image can come back. This way, I can use my "CommandsClose" picture that I use for dialogs.

Okay, I hope this was clear enough and someone can help me! Thanks!