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Save-Point - [Resolved] Multiple Currencies


Full Version: [Resolved] Multiple Currencies
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Script Title:
Multiple Currencies

Detailed Description:
I'd like it so that instead of there being only once currency, "gil", there could be more. Like Diamonds. You would get these from monsters and in stores they would display the amount of Diamonds you would need, or even gold and diamonds you would need. Or even a currency window you could go to in the party menu, so you could see how much you have of everything. Like World of Warcaft.

[Image: 180px-Currency.JPG]

Other Scripts I am using (in order):
I'm using SDK
Multi-slots by DerVVulfman
The Complete Windowskin Color, Faceset & Inn System
Seperate Item Lists for Multiple Parties by RPG Advocate
Something like a 'diamond exchange' where you go up to a store or establishment to cash in your diamonds for gil. Or if you cross from one kingdom that uses Dollars into another that uses the Euro, you would have to exchange your funds for the proper currency.

Rather than having the $ value, you may need to convert 'gold' into an array to hold onto different currency types pre-set in the project. That way, your party could hold onto Gold, Euro, Gil, or whatever... at the same time.

It would entail some modification to the shop system so only certain shops took certain currency types. And you wouldn't necessarily need to convert the funds every time, as you could carry multiple denominations.

:) You may wanna have some 'exchange' shops charge rates for the money handling. :P
That's exactly what I want. To have the party hold different currencies and shops only accepted certain currencies.

I'm really really new to scripting. So is there anyway you could point me in the right direction to do something like that? Or maybe there is already a script?

I would very much appreciate it. This would be a huge part of my game, I already got the Separate Inventories script from you. I would be set :lol:
I do believe there is a multiple currencies script out there, but I am not sure it would work in the manner I have suggested. I may need to create a new one. :rolleyes:

Lessee what I can crank out when I get home tonight...

...not that I can promise getting one out by tonight.

EDIT #1: Need to edit Scene_Battle for the treasures system too. :)

EDIT #2: My boss would love that avatar. He's a Steelers fan. ;)
Wow that would be great. I would greatly appreciate it and I thank you very much for any work you put into it.

And just to help you what I want so maybe its simple. My game you go back into time when the world is being created. And the "Creators" need life essence from the creatures they kill. So instead of money it'll be the life essence, it'll have some catchy name of course :D and with it, they can build new structures or areas.

But hey the more currencies the better :) It reminds me of Dark Cloud 2 where you needed wood, , earth element, fire element, etc. to build things. I think that would be a great addition to my game. Instead of one thing they need to collect, it could be other things like wood or metal.

Off topic: About the picture. I've been an Arizona Cardinals fan since I could remember. I'm 20 years old, and wow last season was awesome. So just showing what I thought about the Superbowl :P
Well, currencies such as gold, gil, euro, credits, quatloos (star trek :) ), and etc are gonna be usable and convertable. If it is wood, stone which is converted into gold, you can just buy or sell them. However, I do have a current version that supports actual monetary types at the same time right now.

I just don't have a method that controls 'conversions' yet.
I don't need anything to be converted. Just the one that supports actual monetary types at the same time. If you could post it that would be great! :lol:
You may wanna check THIS out. :) Done.
Thanks a ton DerVVulfman! :lol: My game owes a lot to you and your scripts! I don't know what to say but thanks. There needs to be more people like you.

Thanks man :)