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Save-Point - Multi Lootscript for Charlie Lees CBS (2.13)


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Multi Lootscript for Charlie Lees CBS (2.13)
This is a request for a new script, an edit or debug of an existing script. What ever it should work with the After battlescene of the CTB. I looking for that for Years, but nothing. But it would be cool if it works like this:
Himas Drop script

Detailed Description (mostlikely...):The Discription in the Script tell how it should work. Or not. Just 2 thinks should work: Mops drops multi- Loot, and it works with Charlie Lees CBS. Specially with the Scene_Afterbattle and with the newest SLS from Charlie Lee. Other Scripts I am using (in order): So much scripts, but all are compatible with with The Battlesystem and the SLS... expect the Drop Script. and thats the problem.

I hope someone can help me
Looks like it IS compatible? Only thing is the names of the enemies. I tried it with his demo. And they do drop the items specified. Does it give you an error or anything?
Acctualy, it have errors with the After battle Scene and the SLS.
With SLS = Broke Down. I can fix it by put the script above the SLS.
But whene i do this, one Part of the afterbattle SCene dissapperars. Thats the problem.
I'll test it out now. Yeah, I see the level up window doesn't appear. Well, I've been messing around with making things compatible with this battle system for my game and this looks like a pretty useful script. Now, I'm not a a scripter, but I'll see what I can do. I still recommend you ask someone else just in case I'm not able to do the job.
OK I think I made it work together! Let me just check a few more times. The only thing is getting the black box out of the way... Unless I move the equipment skills result window over. Ok, it seems to work correctly. Try it out and let me know. Here it is.
Okey thatks. It works nearly perfect. Just one thing.
The items should have the possiblety of not beein droped.
It like i can set the droprate to rare (equal to 25%) but it still drops every time i fight.
Can someone fix this?
Hmm, maybe I have to mess around with the probability. I'll see.
Ok, this is the best I could do without messing it up. Replace the scene battle in the demo that I gave you with this.

Ok, it appears that the code is too long for this message so, I'll send it in a txt file.

And online 706, which should be this
if rand(300) < enemy.treasure_prob
You can mess around with the probability by changing the 300. More means less probable and less means more probable.

Hmm, well actually, I don't think that fixes it either...
No... it not fixed...
Or i do something wrong? I put the new script above main.
Cauz, he didnt loot this time.
You were only supposed to replace it, however, I am aware that it's not fixed... I realized I just lowered the probability of ANY item showing up at all. I will try to mess with it some more and see what I can come up with.
EDIT: Hmm, looks like this is out of my hands, but to be honest, it's working the way it's supposed to. I got the best results with this setup,
SPDROP_KEYWORD      =    "sp"
   EPIC_RATE           =    5
   RARE_RATE           =    10
   UNCOMMON_RATE       =    20
   COMMON_RATE         =    35
   VERYCOMMON_RATE     =    50
   TOO_RATE            =    80

if rand(300) < enemy.treasure_prob

The rares don't drop too much and the common items drop a good amount of times, but still leaves room for the enemy dropping nothing. But I don't know how you want it set up for your game, just keep messing with those values until you find a good pattern for your game.
you mean i have to replace the Himas Lootscript with the new script?
I dont know it dont really works.... It just keep loot all the time, still no possibllity of get no loot
Sorry, haven't been able to reply, just got my internet back on.
The configuration is moved to the top of the CTB by Charlie - Scene_Battle. You can change everything there. Also, where I said to put the 300, do a search for this line
if rand(xxx) < enemy.treasure_prob
xxx should be either the number 100 or 300 depending on which on I gave you to us, I can't really remember. And if it is not 300 then put 300 in there or ust mess around with it until you find something that you like.

And to use this, you replace the scene battle and the drop script with the ones that I gave you.

Again, my bad no internet is like sudden death.