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Save-Point - Recruitment Script


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Script Request Template
is there an existing Recruitment script?i googled it...and after looking to pages after pages i gave up.can anybody help me?

Thank you in advance n_n

Script Title:
Recruitment Script


Detailed Description:
You can choose characters to join your party guild...the chosen character can be AI or you can also control it (the character).

Other Scripts I am using (in order):
ANTI-LAG zeriab
Do you mean a script where your HERO goes towards a NPC character and asks him to join your party? Then you can choose from an expanded list of recruits who you want to be in your party?

Sounds like a large party script to me. Dialog to ask the character to join can be done with ye olde TEXT map event and SHOW CHOICES event. Be fun... use Ccoa's UMS for custom dialog settings. :D

Granted, I've seen them for years even in older RM2K (RPGMaker 2000) systems made with events if that's the case. You may wanna go into detail as how it looks as well as how it works.
thats right VVulf, i'm sorry if i can't put it in details. i know its very large. u_u