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Save-Point - Adventure Game Item Script: "Use" Items


Full Version: Adventure Game Item Script: "Use" Items
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Script Title:
Adventure Game Item Script

Detailed Description:
Basically, I want a script that changes the way the Items screen works. The player can open up the items screen with W (Input R), and from there, can assign three items to the A, S, and D inputs. When the player presses those buttons with items assigned, the script then activates a switch, based on the assigned item (probably most easily done in the notes section on the item) and acts as if the use key has also been pressed.

For example, say the player has a rope, a key, a metal ring, and a pair of tweezers. He hits W, assigns the rope to A, the ring to S, and the tweezers to D, and exits the menu (which leads back to the map, not to the main menu). He walks over to the broken fuse in the room, and uses the rope by pressing A. The fuse picks the appropriate page based on the switch assigned to rope, and then explains very patiently to the player that rope is made of fiberous materials, and that that is not how electric circuits work and how the player should kill himself for being so dumb (it is a comedy, after all). He then tries the tweezers, and the fuse points out that the tweezers have rubber tips, and that they wouldn't conduct the electricity very well anyway. He uses the ring then, and it works; the circuit is completed, the lights come back on or whatever, and the ring is removed from his inventory. The player then hits W again and assigns the key to S to replace the ring, and uses it on the door to get out. Long example, but it does explain it fairly well, does it not?

Also, it would be helpful to have a GUI in the top right corner of the screen, showing the icons of the items set to the hotkeys, just for simplicity's sake. The UI should be toggleable with the Q key (L input) and with a script (so I can turn it off before a cutscene or a battle).

I don't think pictures would help a whole hell of a lot.

Other Scripts I am using (in order):
The main one to worry about is that I will likely be using GubiD's Tactical Battle System, as well as a custom menu, to be decided, that will cut the Items screen off of the main menu. Other than that, I can build around whatever I need to.

Looking forward to a reply!