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Save-Point - An enemy that cannot die.


Full Version: An enemy that cannot die.
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What I'm looking for is when a enemy HP can never drop no lower than 1 HP. Example

Slime A Max HP is 10
Hero Does 30 Damage to Slime A
Slime A HP is 1
Hero 2 does 39 more damage to Slime A
Slime A HP is still 1.

Trying to do Flashy Boss Death with this.
Lol you don't need a script for that. When you go to the monster groups tab of the database and put the specific monster on the battleback that you don't want to die by doing regular damage, then just right-click and select the immortal option. This will do exactly what you want it to do, keep the HP at 1. Thats if your using RMXP, which the topic is under that title so I assumed you were.
