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Save-Point - Para ABS Tune Up


Full Version: Para ABS Tune Up
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I need a Tune up of this Script

What I want is that the Common Event Triggers right after a Skill or Item.


As you can see that During the skill "Multi Hit" Some of the Hero Commands can be inputted during the middle of the enemy's attack in 0:04.

All in all I want the Common Event triggers RIGHT after the skill with no Interuptions of Command Inputs or any Hero skills.
That would not be a tune-up or edit of ParaDog's battlesystem, but an edit of whatever Multiple Strike script you employ. ParaDog never wrote one specific for his system.

I have not seen the youtube video, but I can imagine what you want akin to FinalFantasy 7's 'Dolphin Kick' which is also a MultiStrike script requesting key input per hit... in that skill's case to keep the hits going.

Cogwheel wrote a multiple strike script for his RTAB system, and Trickster wrote one for SDK-using/compliant battlesystems. ParaDog's system is neither. Your best bet is to find a MultiStrike script that can work with the default battlesystem that is NOT an SDK script... and please (because I hate their restrictive terms), do not use any by KGC.

After you find one, MAYBE it can be retooled to fit your need. Be warned... people have been looking for such a script. The closest one I've seen would be Zephren's Timed Hit Addon.
No, I'm not looking for Timed Hit Script or a Multi-Hit Combo Script either VVulf. It a it more like Timing Control for the Common Event.(or Common Event Timing)