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Save-Point - Save text in a variable


Full Version: Save text in a variable
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There used to be such a script on but for the life of me I can't find it and I lost my own copy of it or I'd share it. IT was a really nice little script that not many people seemed to use. It allowed the player to input text in a small pop up that didn't take up the whole screen. It allowed them to type in a word that got saved and you were then able to compare it to see if it was the correct word or not.
What exactly did this script do?
I'm asking because it seems a very simple task and I'm surprised there was a script for it. Basically you do
a = "some text"
and you have your text saved in the variable a. And if you want to use rmxp variables it would be
$game_variables[<index>] = "some text"
Is that what you needed?
solved thank you
Its easier Charlie's way. (And more professional).

Use the Script event command and type

$game_variables[1] = 'text'


Exchange 1 with desired variable.

a = "some text" wouldn't be so smart as they would be gone when the player leaves the game.
Solved thank you.