
Full Version: MrMo DVV Add-On #2: Dawn's Item Drops
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Mr.Mo's ABS
DVV Addon #2:

Dawn's Item Drops
Version 1.6

This system is an enhancement feature for Mr.Mo's ABS version 4.5, likely to be the final version of his singular ABS system (other than his SBABS and his SBABS lite). It forces the system to display an event on the field map when an enemy is killed which contains the treasure in which the enemy was carrying on its person.

The Demo

The Script

Built into the script.

Repairs to Original!
Yes, the original system may have an error or two that could not be repaired without direct editing of the script. These errors were not brought on by the Add-Ons but were bugs in the original. As such, this demo also includes repairs. These repairs will be noted below.
Player Damage Pop
Dash/Sneak Animation Fix
Restart/Continued Skill/Item Hotkeys

The bulk of this script aliases methods within or adds new methods to Mr.Mo's ABS. The only section rewritten is the 'treasure' method. As such, any additional system that alters the treasure-gaining system may interfere with or may be interfered by this script.

Terms and Conditions
This Add-On is free for use, guys. Even commercial games.
Bump to version 1.4 as I fixed a bug in the drop feature. It delivered an item drop when a monster was killed, even if the monster had no treasure.

Man, that was annoying.
To Version 1.5

As of now, enemies that leave behind CORPSES may leave empty corpses as well as corpses that have treasure. This is in difference to enemy drops that just leave treasure behind. Enemies that do not leave behind any corpse or have treasure will leave no treasure drops behind.
to version 1.6

Dang stupid syntax. I left out a single '?' that caused an error. Fixed.