
Full Version: MrMo DVV Add-On #1: Sasha's Diagonal Combat
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Mr.Mo's ABS
DVV Addon #1:

Sasha's Diagonal Combat
Version 1.1

This system is an enhancement feature for Mr.Mo's ABS version 4.5, likely to be the final version of his singular ABS system (other than his SBABS and his SBABS lite). It enhances the movement and attacking capabilities of his ABS by supporting all eight directions rather than the standard four that is found in most RPGMaker ABS systems.

The Demo

The Script

Built into the script.

Repairs to Original!
Yes, the original system may have an error or two that could not be repaired without direct editing of the script. These errors were not brought on by the Add-Ons but were bugs in the original. As such, this demo also includes repairs. These repairs will be noted below.
Player Damage Pop
Dash/Sneak Animation Fix
Restart/Continued Skill/Item Hotkeys

The bulk of this script contains various rewrites to Mr.Mo's ABS in order to permit diagonal movement and combat attacks, including diagonal missiles. Given the extensive rewrites, please consult the list of rewritten methods to see if it is compatible with any other scripts in use.

Terms and Conditions
This Add-On is free for use, guys. Even commercial games.

To version 1.1

A routine that attempted to space out diagonal missile shots interfered with actual 'collision detection', so it was removed. Makes it work better.
