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CharGen Extended
Version: 2.0

This is a characterset generator made entirely with the RPGMaker XP system. It allows you to make Charset graphics for your gaming system. It supports various graphic sizes or styles as the resources loaded into the system determines what you're planning to use them for.

  • Over 15 graphic types available.
  • Multiple graphic style support.
  • External Language pack support.
  • Mouse Support.
  • Zoom feature.

Main Screen with sample image
A sample creation with Half-Kaiser resources*

The Engine
The engine is merely the system used. You will still have to download at least one resource package of your choice. Resources not included.

Individual resource packages for CharGen Extended. You can download multiple resource packages to increase your library of graphic. These are available in the next post.

By default, CharGen Extended is in English and uses two files (chargen.clr and chargen.cfg) to hold the system's text. Even if these files are not present, the program will use built-in texts. However, one can download an external language package for those who do not speak English. These language packs are available right below. Just replace the default chargen.clr and chargen.cfg files with these.


Install the system as per usual and then (at least) one resource package into the same directory. Then run and enjoy. A simple .pdf file is in the installation file.

System Requirements
  • All specifications of RPGMaker XP.
  • Hard Drive space capable of the system and each resource pack installed.
  • 800 X 600 Resolution or greater.
  • Vista and Win7 Users: An edit to the 'Adminstration Permissions' to use Windows XP software.

All text displayed in the system is stored in two external files that can be edited with notepad or any ANSI or UTF-8 saving word processor. This permits distribution among non-English forums after a simple translation/edit is performed. The program can use earlier-designed Resource packs, though graphics stored in accessory folders may now have their own categories. Also, the newer version 2.0 system has more folders available, thus supports a larger 'language pack'. Even so, it can use the older one though the newer phrases and categories will default to English when not loaded.

Known Issues
Microsoft Vista
No suitable directories found warning
RGSS Crash bug with Windows 7
AIM crash bug
64-Bit No-Saving bug

Credits and Thanks
Thanks to ForeverZer0, KK20 & LiTTleDRAgo for the Resolution system, and Lambchop for the beginning of the 'Mousie' mouse system. And Vgvgf for the Aleworks Key Input system. Thanks to Ace and Landarma for assistance on the German language packs. Thanks to MGC for noting how the French language link was wrong. And thanks to Landarma who requested more folders for front/rear resources.

Terms and Conditions
The system is free for use. However, each graphic resource package requires you to follow the terms and conditions of their respective creators.
Remember, these files are download only at Box.Com.  They cannot be previewed and will display a window saying such.  Just click the download button.

>RTP Package #1 (Original Colored Set))<
Graphics initially by Enterbrain (2005) / Yoji Ojima.
Edits performed by Venetia @ Pixel Cocktail Studio

>RTP Package #2 (RGBSet)<
Graphics initially by Enterbrain (2005) / Yoji Ojima.
Edits performed by Venetia @ Pixel Cocktail Studio

>Half Kaiser Package #1 (Original Colored Set)<
Contained herein are Half Kaiser graphics produced by the Half Kaiser Construction Project.  Edited for use with CharGen Ex, they still retain the original color as intended by the original artists.  Adult and Child Template styles up to Sept 03, 2008.
Terms and conditions available at:
Half Kaiser Construction Project.
Half Kaiser Construction Topic at HBGames.Org.
Please visit site for details.

>Half Kaiser Package #2 (RGB Set)<
Contained herein are Half Kaiser graphics produced by the Half Kaiser Construction Project.  Edited and recolored for use with CharGen Ex and its RGB Slider system, it is smaller than Package #2 and includes a couple more resources courtesy of DerVVulfman .  Adult and Child Template styles up to Sept 03, 2008.
Terms and conditions available at:
Half Kaiser Construction Project.
Half Kaiser Construction Topic at HBGames.Org.
Please visit site for details.

>RM2K/3 RTP Package #1 (Original Colored Set))<
Graphics initially by Ascii (2000 / Yoji Ojima.
Requires version 1.2
I found the character generator was good. The question is how to make it work? I already downloaded the rtp-template from Pixel Cocktail Studio and simply unrar it into the installed directory but it didn't work.

it shows message: basic template image file not in this directory

thank's before.
earthboy Wrote: [ -> ]I found the character generator was good. The question is how to make it work? I already downloaded the rtp-template from Pixel Cocktail Studio and simply unrar it into the installed directory but it didn't work.
When I made the installation programs, I set up the installation directories in all the files to be set to C:\Program Files\RM Tools.

You would first install the master program by double-clicking the .exe file and follow the prompts. Then you would install one (or more) of the resource files also by double-clicking its .exe file and follow its prompts.

Using an outside program such as Win-Rar may install it into a directory other than the proper directory.

* * *

The directory you SHOULD have for CharGen Ex should contain the following:

CharGen.cfg, CharGen.clr, CharGen.pdf, CharGenEx.exe, CharGenEx.ico, Display.dll, Game.exe, Game.rgssad, RGSS102E.dll and screenshot.dll

And after installing a Resource Set, you would have at least one folder in there with graphics used by the system. As an example, the Half Kaiser packages would have two folders within this directory... being:

XP Kaiser - Adult -and- XP Kaiser - Child

For a list of the files and sub-folders within each Resource Set folders, please read page 7 of the .pdf file for the Resource Set layout: PART V: TEMPLATE RESOURCES. You may have missed extracting one somehow.

Though not any new feature to the engine itself, I added to the main page a link for language packs. These small zip files contain two files that can be used to change the system's text from English to ... whatever languages I have present.

Below is a quote from the first page and the same 1st language pack link I made. Others languages will be made available.

By default, CharGen Extended is in English and uses two files (chargen.clr and chargen.cfg) to hold the system's text. Even if these files are not present, the program will use built-in texts. However, one can download an external language package for those who do not speak English. These language packs are available right below. Just replace the default chargen.clr and chargen.cfg files with these.

This is awesome :D
if there is no save option, you have to take a screenshot and save it with paint or gimp or something like that
After selecting how you want it, scroll the options (on the left) until you see the Image Processing button. Click it and type in your filename and hit save. The file saves in the directory of the program.
  • Image Heiararcy - Controls order of the graphics (shirt drawn over pants, accessory 1 over robe while accessory 2 under robe, etc)
  • Save -- Saves a WIP data file (current values you can reload)
  • Load -- Loads a WIP data file (good for multiple characters of one style)
  • Image Process - Saves the image to a file.
How can I create packages?
I discussed the layout of resource packages in Part V: Template Resources within the .pdf file that accompanies the program. It's actually quite easy, and only needs the graphics and the folders with the suitable names. The 'name' of the main folder that holds your resources (Hair, Faces, Facial Hair, Tail) is brought up within the menu.

Sorry. I only compiled these sets myself, though the original artwork is courtesy of the creator of the RTP charactersets, Venetia and the Half-Kaiser Resource workshop or HBGames.Org.

I'm not a spriter... Go figure.... Laughing + Tongue sticking out
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