04-28-2010, 03:47 AM
Mr.Mo's ABS
Wyatt's Add-On #1:
On-Map Battle Music
Version 1.8
Wyatt's Add-On #1:
On-Map Battle Music
Version 1.8
This is probably without a doubt not the best script in the world, I made it for my game and... well, it's probably not the best way of doing this. But I thought I should share it as others might find it useful. It's dead simple so no credit is required unless you want to.
The Demo
The Script
Built into the script.
Repairs to Original!
Yes, the original system may have an error or two that could not be repaired without direct editing of the script. These errors were not brought on by the Add-Ons but were bugs in the original. As such, this demo also includes repairs. These repairs will be noted below.
Player Damage Pop
Almost immediately after it is shown, the damage the player receives disappears from the screen rather than waiting the entire 40 frame delay as defined by the system. Enemy damage is fine, but the player damage just vanishes. This was repaired by doing the following:
I went down to the update method in the Sprite_Character class in Mr.Mo's ABS (roughly line 2480) and found the following.
While this looks like it would only show the damage pop if the character was dead or there was no damage, it performed the damage pop constantly. This is because the character was 'not' dead. One of the conditions was already met. As such, this statement was changed to this:
I went down to the update method in the Sprite_Character class in Mr.Mo's ABS (roughly line 2480) and found the following.
#Display damage
damage(a.damage, a.critical) if !a.dead? or a.damage != nil
While this looks like it would only show the damage pop if the character was dead or there was no damage, it performed the damage pop constantly. This is because the character was 'not' dead. One of the conditions was already met. As such, this statement was changed to this:
#Display damage
damage(a.damage, a.critical) if !a.dead? and a.damage != nil
I aliased this script, so it should be compatible with most things though I am not entirely sure. Designed for use with Mr.Mo's ABS and possibly his SBABS and ABS-lite.
Terms and Conditions
Free for use, guys. Even commercial games.