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Save-Point - Animated Title/Cutscene Sequences


Full Version: Animated Title/Cutscene Sequences
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I spent a while looking through the scripts/event systems available here and couldn't locate a script to do something I need.

Could someone please make a script capable of adding an animated title/cutscene sequence using an arrangement of hand-drawn pictures (think an animated FMV, like Chrono Trigger)? I'm almost looking for something along the lines of a Splash script -- only much faster, intergrated seemlessly into gameplay, with the capacity for adding music and being called at any time using a call script, etc.

This will be a FF fangame. Basically think of any cutscene/'video' pre-FFX, only on a much smaller scale and using cel animation instead of computer-rendered graphics.

I do not need to have voice compatabilty (or rather 'sound effects') but if you want to go ahead and add that as something to toggle on/off -- that's fine. I'm sure others will want to use this script as well.

**These images would have to play out in sequential order, rapidly changing to the next to make animation. This script would have to handle a large number of images stored in a seperate folder within the main directory (maybe something like 'FMV', with smaller subfolders called 'INTRO', 'ONE', 'TWO', so on and so forth). **

I appreciate any help I can get on this. If you want to do a 'talent swap' or whatever, I'm an artist by trade and am willing to help you out if need be. Just include that in the post or PM me about it.
I made it to create cutscenes and designer credits. Hope you like it: (>CLICK HERE<)
I really appreciate your quick response, DerVVulfman. I'm gonna need some more answers about this particular setup before I can say for sure if this will handle the job.

Your demo explains that the frame rate is 39 per second (I'm on XP). So therefore if I wanted a 108.5 minute's worth of 'video' I'd need 4231 frames. This is fine. I totally love that. If it was 12 per second that would be better (a lot easier know...draw) but beggers can't be choosers here.

My question is -- instead of 'weather' as you have it, looping the same few frames over and over, is there a way to assign that 4231 figure to COMPLETELY UNIQUE IMAGE FILES? I probably didn't explain what I was after all that well before (was trying to get out the door to go to work, haha), so I appologize for that.

Imagine you have 4231 images that, when played in sequential order, produces an effect like a flipbook. To be precise we are talking about full-screen (i.e. 640 x 480) images and not sprites; Cel animation (in essence) using hand drawn artwork that would be set aside in its own folder just for this purpose. Now, these images need to mimic an actual animation when played and shouldn't loop, shake, or zoom in/out. Think the videos in Chrono Trigger.

Can this script handle such a thing?

Also -- the instructions state that a call script is necessary for this to work, which is fine, but I was wondering how I'd go about doing that. Would I put it in it's own event? Should I tie it to the end of the 'trigger' event (rather, the one leading up to the cutscene)? How would I call a specific video at a specific time in gameplay and make sure it behaved properly? I'm really really new to this whole 'scripting' thing.
Quote:To be precise we are talking about full-screen (i.e. 640 x 480) images and not sprites; Cel animation (in essence) using hand drawn artwork that would be set aside in its own folder just for this purpose.
I SO wouldn't do that with 640x480 image files... not that many. The size of the project would be enormous. POSSIBLE, but enormous. You would also need to load and then display each image. I would recommend using a BACKGROUND image and other images in the foreground.

Quote:Also -- the instructions state that a call script is necessary for this to work, which is fine, but I was wondering how I'd go about doing that.
Um... actually, you gave good examples that are indeed possible. Just give it a try and fool around with it and make yourself comfortable.
OKAY! I'm so on game with this if keeping one background (or perhaps more?) image there at all times is possible, even while stuff moves on top. I shouldn't be such a n00b about this, sorry. Please bear with me. I'm getting so close to what I need it is exciting.

This being what it may.....may I possibly bother you once more? If I wanted to go about this using ONE (or more) stationary background images and shuffle through smaller images (having them still play out in sequence) in the foreground............. would I adjust this script? I swear I'll put your name in BOLD in my credits >_<!!
Well, Remember this:
Quote:# =========================
# * show ... Shows a sprite image from a bitmap
# This command has nineteen commands: (number, image, origin, x, y, z,
# zoom_x, zoom_y, opacity, blend)
I actually wrote nineteen? It's ten (10) commands.

So, setting up a background image, keep the 'z' value set to some arbitrary low number. Z-Depth values that are larger are in the foreground. It's all X, Y and Z (for depth) axis stuff there.

Technically, you could have one background image (like a forest) with a z-Depth of ... um... 3(?), and it isn't moving. Then you could have another background of a blue sky set to 2, and have it moving slowly left-to-right. AND THEN, have some stuff in the forground.

Just an idea. Tongue sticking out
I'll give it a try, thank you ^_^. Could you do me a favor and leave this thread open for a bit; if I have something come up I'd rather ask it here then spam your PM box full of questions.
Gotcha. Winking