
Full Version: [XP/VX] Enemy Sight Range
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This tutorial is very difficult to understand at first. I recommend downloading the demo and following along with me as I explain each line of the event, but you can just copy and paste the events if you want. With this tutorial, you will be able to give an enemy sight range as well as make them chase after the player upon detection.

Death Page 1

Death Page 2

Give Up Common Event

Multiple Enemies:
These are some things to be aware of when making multiple enemies. First, you'll need different variables for each enemy's X and Y coordinates, but you can use the same variables for the player's X and Y coordinates. Also, you'll want to use different switches for each enemy and different common events for each enemy. This way, you're not only allowing the player to be followed by multiple enemies, but you can also set different time frames for when the enemies get tired.

If I need to make anything clearer or if you want to know how to change something, please post in this thread or PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. This tutorial was made a looong time ago, so let me know if you have any ideas for an updated version!