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[SIZE=19pt]Pre-title map(s)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]Authors: Valdred[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]Version: 2.0[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Type: Execute selected maps before the title screen[/SIZE]
Key Term: Misc add-on

Many people have requested a way to have one or more maps executed before the title screen so I decided to make this.
I guess it's mainly for cutscenes and stuff but it can be used for gameplay as well.

  • Fully featured maps before the title screen, made and set up just like other maps.
  • Easy to use, I guess

The maps would look just like ordinary maps, no need for screenshots.


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Insert above main.

1. Put player starting position (you know, the square with an 's' inside) where you want the player to start after the title screen.

2. Near the top of the script, you will find a configuration section.
  Change '$starting_map' to the ID of the map you want the player to start at before the title. (the upper one of your maps got ID 1, the one bellow is ID 2 etc.) then change $starting_x and $starting_y
  to the players starting position on the map. (to find out the cordinates of a spot, go to events-layer and click the spot. The cordinates    will be in the bottom right of the editor)

3. When you want to proceed to the title screen. Use a 'script' event with this code:


Will probably not work with some scripts editing the title screen. That's all, I think.

[SIZE=18pt]Credits and Thanks[/SIZE]
  • Valdred for writing it
  • Nathmatt for optimizing the code and adding a nice feature.
  • Skaraflame and others for requesting it

[SIZE=18pt]Author's Notes[/SIZE]
If you need help just tell, also if anyone feels like optimizing the script, just do it.
Why, I just saw that the reply I wrote for this wasn't posted here. Wether it be due technical things or just me mistaking the preview button for the reply button.

Anyway, what I wantet to say is this:
"Thank you for making this." It is something I've been looking for as well and I'm happy someone did it ^^
No problem, If you need anything else, I am open for requests.
Well...there would be the thing I posted some days ago in the request section, a way to show the currently owned amount of gold on screen, like you would with a hud system for HP/SP/etc. just that it would show only the gold.
But I think this thread should be left for this Pre-Title script, which I consider a great feature ^^