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Can someone tell me how Ejlol did this???

I'm having the same problem again and don't know which event it is.
Some events on the map is using a tile-graphic that no longer exists according to his post. See trough all your events and be sure that all have valid graphics.
I know... But there's SO many events if I just had a list printed out with his debugging thingie, it would be so much easier to find.
what i would recommend before you go any further in development. keep a spreadsheet of all your maps and what graphic assests are being used. i wouldnt reference all events in the spreadsheet just ones that use graphical assets.
dunno how I did, problably scripted something :P
This might help you:
class ResourceChecker
  def checkMap(filename)
    @map = load_data(filename)
    for key in
      event =[key]
      for page in event.pages
        if !FileTest.exist?('Graphics/Characters/' + page.graphic.character_name + '.png')
          # might be RTP
            bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(page.graphic.character_name, 0)
            id =
            x = event.x.to_s
            y = event.y.to_s
            pageid = event.pages.index(page).to_s
            filename = page.graphic.character_name
            p 'ID: ' + id,'X: ' + x,'Y: ' + y,'Page: ' + pageid,'Filename: ' + filename

rs =

Edit 2: actually the script doesnt work at all. (it thinks everything doesnt exist :/)
edit 3: fixed.
Thanks, the problem was already fixed, but I didn't put resolved. But this still helps since I'll probably be dealing with this same problem again since I'm cutting a lot of tilesets.