
Full Version: You know you're screwed when...
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(Sally Jessie Raphael? *wikis*)

You know you're screwed when as Maury lets you know that "you are the father", the foul woman you've slept and had a baby with begins to violate your space and taunt you in victory.

You know you're screwed when you see 404 errors on your screen, and you haven't yet turn on your PC.
You know you're screwed when you're stuck in an elevator for nearly two days.

It actually happened.
You know you're screwed when your teenage son opens his X-Mas present, and he gets a maternity dress.
You know you're screwed when you get the good ol' "Unexpected format" error.
You know you're screwed when your boss removes you from his/her facebook friends list.
You know you're screwed when you try to get out of the 'Blue Screen of Death' only to encounter another 'Blue Screen of Death.'
(12-08-2010, 05:55 PM)Charlie Fleed Wrote: [ -> ]You know you're screwed when your boss removes you from his/her facebook friends list.

You know you're screwed when your boss ADDS you to his/her facebook friends list.
You know you're screwed when Chuck Norris enters the room
You know you're screwed when your boss fires you via Facebook.

It really happened.
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