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Save-Point - Need a Patch/Fix for UMS+ Cursor Script


Full Version: Need a Patch/Fix for UMS+ Cursor Script
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Hello everyone ^^.

I've been working on my current project for some time now (2 years) and it's nearing completion. However in the last few months I've switched from using the NORMAL_WINDOW mode of UMS to FIT_WINDOW_TO_TEXT. This doesn't cause an error with the Cursor script, persay, rather it causes a rather major annoyance. The cursor script no longer reads Choice Dialogue boxes properly and does not click through the options correctly, rather it only stays in a small space and moves about a millimeter. This is a major flaw and someone was actually kind enough to point it out in a Youtube Video. It can be seen here:

ccoa's UMS:
The cursor script I'm using is this one:
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I would be deeply thankful if anyone could help me with this, I want to release my game in the next month and I need this fixed to do so.