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Save-Point - [resolved] Skill that can perform Renzokuken like attack


Full Version: [resolved] Skill that can perform Renzokuken like attack
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Remember FF8's Squal and Irvine's Limit Breaks wherein when you press a button they'll perform an attack. Is there an existing similar script like that. Coz iv'e search every forum and found nothing. can some one make this..

By the way, i'm using Paradog's CBS (if compatibility's an issue)

I wish people would stop asking for scripts and start doing some eventing since that is what RPG maker is all about.
/Rant over
MetalRenard, well since he's talking about battle systems, and not map events.... nah... I'll let you figure it out on your own.
Nah, don't let me figure it out by myself, tell me what you're thinking.
I'm not intelligent enough to understand his original post.
Well, the battle system is a script, not an event, you could probably replace it with an event system, but a script system just makes more sense. This of course stems from the fact that RMXP and RMVX modification is script centric, not event centric like previous releases.
Shocked Oh really?
Please explain in further detail what you want. If you want an actor to perform a skill anytime in battle when a certain key is pressed, this is easy to do. If there is any other details or I misunderstood please tell me.
Ok let me elaborate.

I'm thinking of a skill that when activated, it will activate a time gauge (similar to those CT gauges) or a real timer (00:05), this gauge or timer decreases until zeroed. During the time duration, the caster will be able to perform an attack or another skill when the player presses a certain button a few times.

(I plan this skill to be used using DerVVulfman's Limit Break System)


Arshes has a limit break named "Combo" (can't think of a good name right now). When he activated it. A CT guage or a timer appears. The timer will last 3 seconds. During this time duration, Arshes (or the player) needs to press the Z button in order to launch an attack (if the button is not pressed no attacks will be made). Now depending on how fast you press that Z button, you'll be able to deal damage approximately the number of times you pressed the Z button.

That's how closely I can describe it, it can also have a slight delay in between button press (it would be an Overkill to press the Z button during that 3 sec duration. Imagine how many times one can press a button in 3sec). The time duration of the CT gauge may also be adjusted.

This skill is not really like Sqaull's Renzokuken, instead its more like of that Irvine's Limit break (I forgot the name) in FF8. Although both their limit breaks has the same mechanism where'in you'll press a button. Squall's Renzokuken has a predetermined set of triggers (is that how you call it? nvm). But right now, I'm opting for the example I've given above.

Well it's not that easy eventing something like this, I tried it but, I think its way too complicated or even impossible.
If you could make a Battle System addon like this using events, then I'll salute you.
I understand your request. As an example, you may have a 3 second window to press the 'A' button as many times as you can, and Squall could fire his gunblade at a target repeatedly. Rather than one attack, you could fire your gun up to 20 times... or however many times as you can press the button in that 3 second window.

None such exist right now.

But in the meantime, t there is a script by Zephren called 'Timed Hits' that may suit your tastes.

When you attempt to perform a timed hits skill, this certain skill brings up a horizontal bar with a cursor that moves from left to right. While this bar moves, you must press an action key of some sort (Up, Down, Left, Right, Enter, etc....) according to what is called of that skill. If performed correctly, the skill is performed full strength. If you miss a button, you lose some power in that skill.

As an example, casting a Filre spell may require you to press UP, UP, UP, DOWN. If you press Up all 4 times, you blow it because 3 of the 4 presses is correct. You cast it with 75% power.

It can be a Limit Break skill if added properly.

Thanks this is a great script. A great replacement for Renzokuken
I looked up the script database but failed to notice this. There's just too many in there.

Well thanks very much for looking and linking this up Blushing + Cheery

This thread might come in handy when someone tried to search Renzokuken again.
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