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Save-Point - Need SephirothSpawn's Triple Triad


Full Version: Need SephirothSpawn's Triple Triad
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Pages: 1 2
Hello guys.
Thanks ti DerVVulfman, to have reupladed the Triple Triad by SephirothSpawn.

I have two main problems with this script. I've tried it lots of time in these days, and I have found only a real bug that coul create some problem...
At line 1132 of the Part 1, there is this code:

# If Card Visible
        if @visible_player_cards[index]
          # Break If Not Capture Rule
          test = true if $game_tripletriad.trade_rule < 4
          # Break If Capture Rule & Card Captured
          test = true if $game_tripletriad.trade_rule > 3 && opponent_captured_cards[index]

Well, when I play with someone with the Trade Rule in 2, 3, 5 or 6 (Multi, All, Multi-Captured, All Captured) and the NPC win, it crash and gave me problem here "if @visible_player_cards[index]". So, someone who knows the script (or who undestand better the Ruby than me), could help me? I know that is something missing in that line (like ?, or == true/false, or >= X) but who knows, I've tried everything but I don't understand what to do...
The other one is... is it possible to make this system not dipendent to the SDK? I have a lot of scripts (more than 30) in my game, and some of them are not compatible at 100% with the SDK, so if someone could help me, I would be happy!

Thanks to everyone for the help. :D

Sorry if this is a necropost, I am pretty new here (and I'm italian, sorry for my bad English Cheery).
Nobody can help me? ^_^
Pages: 1 2