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Save-Point - 8 Way Pixelmovement Script


Full Version: 8 Way Pixelmovement Script
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So basically I've been in need for a pixelmovement script that's compatible with this script:

Current 8 Way Script

I'm not exactly sure why, but the other pixelmovement scripts I've tried using glitch whenever I try to us it with the current 8 way script.

Edit: Also, if it helps to know, I also have ParaDog's dash charset script.

Dash Script
Well, first remove those scripts from your script database. Now, paste the following above main (NOTE: I don't mean to insert a new script! Just make a new line above all the contents including the comments and paste the script.)

# ¡ Sprite_Shadow (Sprite_Ombre )
# Based on Genzai Kawakami's shadows, dynamisme&features by Rataime, extra features Boushy


class Game_Party
attr_reader :characters

class Sprite_Shadow < RPG::Sprite

attr_accessor :character

def initialize(viewport, character = nil,source = nil,anglemin=0,anglemax=0,distancemax=0)
   @character = character
   @source = source

def update
   if @tile_id != @character.tile_id or
      @character_name != @character.character_name or
      @character_hue != @character.character_hue
     @tile_id = @character.tile_id
     @character_name = @character.character_name
     @character_hue = @character.character_hue
     if @tile_id >= 384
       self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name,
         @tile_id, @character.character_hue)
       self.src_rect.set(0, 0, 32, 32)
       self.ox = 16
       self.oy = 32
       self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@character.character_name,
       @cw = bitmap.width / 4
       @ch = bitmap.height / 4
       self.ox = @cw / 2
       self.oy = @ch
   self.visible = (not @character.transparent)
   if @tile_id == 0
     sx = @character.pattern * @cw
     sy = (@character.direction - 2) / 2 * @ch
     if self.angle>90 or angle<-90
       if @character.direction== 6
              sy = ( 4- 2) / 2 * @ch
       if @character.direction== 4
              sy = ( 6- 2) / 2 * @ch
       if @character.direction== 2
              sy = ( 8- 2) / 2 * @ch
       if @character.direction== 8
              sy = ( 2- 2) / 2 * @ch
     self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)
   self.x = @character.screen_x
   self.y = @character.screen_y-5
   self.z = @character.screen_z(@ch)-1
   self.opacity = @character.opacity
   self.blend_type = @character.blend_type
   self.bush_depth = @character.bush_depth
   if @character.animation_id != 0
     animation = $data_animations[@character.animation_id]
     animation(animation, true)
     @character.animation_id = 0
   @deltay= @source.y-self.y
   self.angle = 57.3*Math.atan2(@deltax, @deltay )
   if @angle_trigo<0
   self.color =, 0, 0)
   @distance = ((@deltax ** 2) + (@deltay ** 2))
     self.opacity = 0
     self.opacity = 1200000/(@distance+6000)  
   @distance = @distance ** 0.5
   if @distancemax !=0 and @distance>=@distancemax
   if @anglemin !=0 or @anglemax !=0
      if (@angle_trigo<@anglemin or @angle_trigo>@anglemax) and @anglemin<@anglemax
      if (@angle_trigo<@anglemin and @angle_trigo>@anglemax) and @anglemin>@anglemax

# ¥ CLASS Sprite_Character edit

class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite
alias shadow_initialize initialize

def initialize(viewport, character = nil)
   @character = character
   if (character.is_a?(Game_Event) and character.list!=nil and character.list[0].code == 108 and character.list[0].parameters == ["s"])
     if (character.list[1]!=nil and character.list[1].code == 108)
     if (character.list[2]!=nil and character.list[2].code == 108)
     if (character.list[3]!=nil and character.list[3].code == 108)
    for i in $
     if ($[i].is_a?(Game_Event) and $[i].list!=nil and $[i].list[0].code == 108 and $[i].list[0].parameters == ["o"])
       @ombrelist[i+1] =, $[i],self,@anglemin,@anglemax,@distancemax)
    @ombrelist[1] =, $game_player,self,@anglemin,@anglemax,@distancemax)
# œ Compatibility with fukuyama's caterpillar script
if CATERPILLAR_COMPATIBLE and $game_party.characters!=nil

for member in $game_party.characters
   @ombrelist.push(, member,self,@anglemin,@anglemax,@distancemax))

# œ End of the compatibility
   shadow_initialize(viewport, @character)

alias shadow_update update

def update
   if @ombrelist!=[]
     for i in 1..@ombrelist.size
       if @ombrelist[i]!=nil


# ¥ CLASS Scene_Save edit
class Scene_Save < Scene_File

alias shadows_write_save_data write_save_data

def write_save_data(file)
   $game_map.shadows = nil

# ¥ CLASS Game_Map edit
class Game_Map
attr_accessor :shadows
# ¡ Game_Player
# @ƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚ðˆµ‚¤ƒNƒ‰ƒX‚Å‚·BƒCƒxƒ“ƒg‚Ì‹N“®”»’è‚âAƒ}ƒbƒv‚̃XƒNƒ[ƒ‹‚È‚Ç‚Ì
# ‹@”\‚ðŽ‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B‚±‚̃Nƒ‰ƒX‚̃Cƒ“ƒXƒ^ƒ“ƒX‚Í $game_player ‚ÅŽQÆ‚³‚ê‚Ü‚·B

class Game_Player < Game_Character
  # œ ’萔
  UP    = 0                   # ã•ûŒü‚Ì—]—T(0 <= UP <= 63)
  SIDE  = 0                   # ¶‰E•ûŒü‚Ì—]—T(0 <= SIDE <= 63)
  SLANT = false               # ˆÚ“®ƒ‹[ƒg‚̎΂߈ړ®ŽžA‘¬“xC³
  # œ ŒöŠJƒCƒ“ƒXƒ^ƒ“ƒX•Ï”
  attr_reader   :walk                     # ƒvƒŒ[ƒ„[ˆÚ“®‘¬“x
  attr_reader   :event                    # ƒCƒxƒ“ƒgŽžˆÚ“®‘¬“x
  attr_accessor :move_speed               # ˆÚ“®‘¬“x
  # œ ƒIƒuƒWƒFƒNƒg‰Šú‰»
  def initialize
    # @walk:•às‘¬“x @dash:ƒ_ƒbƒVƒ…ŽžˆÚ“®‘¬“x
    # @event:ƒCƒxƒ“ƒgŽžˆÚ“®‘¬“xi0‚ÌŽž‚́AƒCƒxƒ“ƒgŽž‚É‘¬“x•ÏX‚ð‚µ‚È‚¢j
    @walk  = 4
    @dash  = 5
    @event = 4
    @dot_m = true
    @revise_x = 0
    @revise_y = 0
    @move == false
  # œ ƒtƒŒ[ƒ€XV
  alias :update_original :update
  def update
    unless moving? or $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or
            @move_route_forcing or $game_temp.message_window_showing
      if @walk != @dash
          if @move_speed != @dash
            @move_speed = @dash
          if @move_speed != @walk
            @move_speed = @walk
    if @revise_x == nil and @revise_y == nil
      @revise_x = 0
      @revise_y = 0
    unless @dot_m
    if @move_route_forcing
      # ƒ[ƒJƒ‹•Ï”‚Ɉړ®’†‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚ð‹L‰¯
      last_moving = moving?
      # ƒ[ƒJƒ‹•Ï”‚ɍÀ•W‚ð‹L‰¯
      last_real_x = @real_x
      last_real_y = @real_y
      # À•W‚ª‚¸‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚éê‡
      if (@revise_x != 0 or @revise_y != 0) and not jumping? and @move == true
        if @revise_x != @real_x - @x * 128 or @revise_y != @real_y - @y * 128
          @revise_x = @real_x - @x * 128
          @revise_y = @real_y - @y * 128
        # ˆÚ“®‹——£distance1‚Æ–Ú•W‹——£distance2‚ðÝ’è
        distance1 = 2 ** @move_speed
        distance2 = Math.sqrt(@revise_x ** 2 + @revise_y ** 2)
        # ˆÚ“®‹——£‚ª–Ú•W‹——£‚ð‰z‚¦‚½ê‡
        if distance1 > distance2
          # ‹­§“I‚ɕ␳À•W‚ð—ë‚É‚·‚é
          @real_x = @real_x - @revise_x
          @real_y = @real_y - @revise_y
          @revise_x = 0
          @revise_y = 0
        # ˆÚ“®‹——£‚ª–Ú•W‹——£‚É’B‚µ‚È‚¢ê‡
          # ˆÚ“®‹——£•ª–Ú•W‹——£‚ɋ߂­
          @real_x -= (distance1 * @revise_x / distance2).round
          @real_y -= (distance1 * @revise_y / distance2).round
          @revise_x = @real_x - @x * 128
          @revise_y = @real_y - @y * 128
      @move = false
      # ˆÚ“®’†AƒCƒxƒ“ƒgŽÀs’†AˆÚ“®ƒ‹[ƒg‹­§’†A
      # ƒƒbƒZ[ƒWƒEƒBƒ“ƒhƒE•\Ž¦’†‚Ì‚¢‚¸‚ê‚Å‚à‚È‚¢ê‡
      unless moving? or $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or
             @move_route_forcing or $game_temp.message_window_showing
        @event_run = false
        # •ûŒüƒ{ƒ^ƒ“‚ª‰Ÿ‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚ê‚΁A‚»‚Ì•ûŒü‚ÖƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚ðˆÚ“®
        case Input.dir8
        when 1
        when 2
        when 3
        when 4
        when 6
        when 7
        when 8
        when 9
      # ƒ[ƒJƒ‹•Ï”‚ɍÀ•W‚ð‹L‰¯
      last_real_x = @real_x
      last_real_y = @real_y
      # ˆÚ“®ˆ—
      @real_x = @x * 128 + @revise_x
      @real_y = @y * 128 + @revise_y
      # ƒ[ƒJƒ‹•Ï”‚Ɉړ®’†‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚ð‹L‰¯
      last_moving = moving?
      # À•WXV
      # Œ»Ý‚̍À•W‚ƈȑO‚̍À•W‚ªˆÙ‚È‚éê‡
      if (last_real_x != @real_x or last_real_y != @real_y)
        @move_distance = 0 if @move_distance == nil
        @move_distance += Math.sqrt((last_real_x - @real_x) ** 2 +
                                      (last_real_y - @real_y) ** 2)
        if @move_distance >= 128
          @move_distance %= 128
        # ƒAƒjƒ[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚ðXV
      elsif @walk_anime
        @pattern = @original_pattern
    # ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^[‚ª‰º‚Ɉړ®‚µA‚©‚‰æ–ʏã‚̈ʒu‚ª’†‰›‚æ‚艺‚̏ꍇ
    if @real_y > last_real_y and @real_y - $game_map.display_y > CENTER_Y
      # ƒ}ƒbƒv‚ð‰º‚ÉƒXƒNƒ[ƒ‹
      $game_map.scroll_down(@real_y - last_real_y)
    # ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^[‚ª¶‚Ɉړ®‚µA‚©‚‰æ–ʏã‚̈ʒu‚ª’†‰›‚æ‚荶‚̏ꍇ
    if @real_x < last_real_x and @real_x - $game_map.display_x < CENTER_X
      # ƒ}ƒbƒv‚ð¶‚ÉƒXƒNƒ[ƒ‹
      $game_map.scroll_left(last_real_x - @real_x)
    # ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^[‚ª‰E‚Ɉړ®‚µA‚©‚‰æ–ʏã‚̈ʒu‚ª’†‰›‚æ‚è‰E‚̏ꍇ
    if @real_x > last_real_x and @real_x - $game_map.display_x > CENTER_X
      # ƒ}ƒbƒv‚ð‰E‚ɃXƒNƒ[ƒ‹
      $game_map.scroll_right(@real_x - last_real_x)
    # ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^[‚ªã‚Ɉړ®‚µA‚©‚‰æ–ʏã‚̈ʒu‚ª’†‰›‚æ‚èã‚̏ꍇ
    if @real_y < last_real_y and @real_y - $game_map.display_y < CENTER_Y
      # ƒ}ƒbƒv‚ðã‚ɃXƒNƒ[ƒ‹
      $game_map.scroll_up(last_real_y - @real_y)
    # ‘O‰ñƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚ªˆÚ“®’†‚¾‚Á‚½ê‡
    if last_moving
      # “¯ˆÊ’u‚̃Cƒxƒ“ƒg‚Ƃ̐ڐG‚É‚æ‚éƒCƒxƒ“ƒg‹N“®”»’è
      result = check_event_trigger_here([1,2])
      if result == true
        if (last_real_x / 128.0).round != @x and
            (last_real_y / 128.0).round != @y
          if @direction == 2 or @direction == 8
            if (last_real_x / 128.0).round > @x
            if (last_real_y / 128.0).round > @y
        elsif (last_real_x / 128.0).round > @x
        elsif (last_real_x / 128.0).round < @x
        elsif (last_real_y / 128.0).round > @y
        elsif (last_real_y / 128.0).round < @y
      # ‹N“®‚µ‚½ƒCƒxƒ“ƒg‚ª‚È‚¢ê‡
      if result == false
        # ƒfƒoƒbƒOƒ‚[ƒh‚ª ON ‚©‚ CTRL ƒL[‚ª‰Ÿ‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚éê‡‚ðœ‚«
        unless $DEBUG and
          # ƒGƒ“ƒJƒEƒ“ƒg ƒJƒEƒ“ƒgƒ_ƒEƒ“
          if @encounter_count > 0
            @encounter_count -= 1
    # C ƒ{ƒ^ƒ“‚ª‰Ÿ‚³‚ꂽê‡
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # “¯ˆÊ’u‚¨‚æ‚ѐ³–ʂ̃Cƒxƒ“ƒg‹N“®”»’è
  # œ ˆÚ“®”»’è
  def moving?
    unless @dot_m
      result = super
      return result
    # ‹­§ˆÚ“®‚̏ꍇƒIƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹‚Ì”»’è‚ð‚³‚¹‚é
    if @move_route_forcing
      if @move == false
        return false
    # ’ʏ펞‚ÍŒ»À•W‚ªŽÀÀ•W‚ƈقȂéê‡‚݈̂ړ®’†‚Æ”»’è
      return (@x != (@real_x / 128.0).round or @y != (@real_y / 128.0).round)
  # œ ˆÚ“®”»’è
  def moving_a?
    if @move == false
      if (@move_route.list[@move_route_index].code <= 14 or
          @move_route.list[@move_route_index].code == 25)
        @move = true
      return false
  # œ ƒtƒŒ[ƒ€XV (ƒWƒƒƒ“ƒv)
  def update_jump
    # ƒWƒƒƒ“ƒvƒJƒEƒ“ƒg‚ð 1 Œ¸‚ç‚·
    @jump_count -= 1
    # V‚µ‚¢À•W‚ðŒvŽZ
    @real_x = (@real_x * @jump_count + @x * 128) / (@jump_count + 1)
    @real_y = (@real_y * @jump_count + @y * 128) / (@jump_count + 1)
    if @jump_count == 0
      @revise_x = 0
      @revise_y = 0
  # œ ˆÚ“®ƒ^ƒCƒv : ƒJƒXƒ^ƒ€
  def move_type_custom
    unless @dot_m
    # ’âŽ~’†‚Å‚È‚¯‚ê‚Î’†’f
    if jumping? or moving_a?
    # ˆÚ“®ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚̃ŠƒXƒg‚̍Ōã‚É“ž’B‚·‚é‚܂Ń‹[ƒv
    while @move_route_index < @move_route.list.size
      # ˆÚ“®ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚ðŽæ“¾
      command = @move_route.list[@move_route_index]
      # ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhƒR[ƒh 0 ”Ô (ƒŠƒXƒg‚̍Ōã) ‚̏ꍇ
      if command.code == 0
        # ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“ [“®ì‚ðŒJ‚è•Ô‚·] ‚ª ON ‚̏ꍇ
        if @move_route.repeat
          # ˆÚ“®ƒ‹[ƒg‚̃Cƒ“ƒfƒbƒNƒX‚ðÅ‰‚É–ß‚·
          @move_route_index = 0
        # ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“ [“®ì‚ðŒJ‚è•Ô‚·] ‚ª OFF ‚̏ꍇ
        unless @move_route.repeat
          # ˆÚ“®ƒ‹[ƒg‹­§’†‚̏ꍇ
          if @move_route_forcing and not @move_route.repeat
            # ˆÚ“®ƒ‹[ƒg‚Ì‹­§‚ð‰ðœ
            @move_route_forcing = false
            # ƒIƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹‚̈ړ®ƒ‹[ƒg‚𕜋A
            @move_route = @original_move_route
            @move_route_index = @original_move_route_index
            @original_move_route = nil
          # ’âŽ~ƒJƒEƒ“ƒg‚ðƒNƒŠƒA
          @stop_count = 0
      # ˆÚ“®ŒnƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh (‰º‚Ɉړ®`ƒWƒƒƒ“ƒv) ‚̏ꍇ
      if command.code <= 14
        # ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhƒR[ƒh‚Å•ªŠò
        case command.code
        when 1  # ‰º‚Ɉړ®
        when 2  # ¶‚Ɉړ®
        when 3  # ‰E‚Ɉړ®
        when 4  # ã‚Ɉړ®
        when 5  # ¶‰º‚Ɉړ®
        when 6  # ‰E‰º‚Ɉړ®
        when 7  # ¶ã‚Ɉړ®
        when 8  # ‰Eã‚Ɉړ®
        when 9  # ƒ‰ƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚Ɉړ®
        when 10  # ƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚ɋ߂­
        when 11  # ƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚©‚牓‚´‚©‚é
        when 12  # ˆê•à‘Oi
        when 13  # ˆê•àŒã‘Þ
        when 14  # ƒWƒƒƒ“ƒv
          jump(command.parameters[0], command.parameters[1])
        # ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“ [ˆÚ“®‚Å‚«‚È‚¢ê‡‚Í–³Ž‹] ‚ª OFF ‚ŁAˆÚ“®Ž¸”s‚̏ꍇ
        if not @move_route.skippable and not moving? and not jumping?
        @move_route_index += 1
      # ƒEƒFƒCƒg‚̏ꍇ
      if command.code == 15
        # ƒEƒFƒCƒgƒJƒEƒ“ƒg‚ðÝ’è
        @wait_count = command.parameters[0] * 2 - 1
        @move_route_index += 1
      # Œü‚«•ÏXŒn‚̃Rƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚̏ꍇ
      if command.code >= 16 and command.code <= 26
        # ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhƒR[ƒh‚Å•ªŠò
        case command.code
        when 16  # ‰º‚ðŒü‚­
        when 17  # ¶‚ðŒü‚­
        when 18  # ‰E‚ðŒü‚­
        when 19  # ã‚ðŒü‚­
        when 20  # ‰E‚É 90 “x‰ñ“]
        when 21  # ¶‚É 90 “x‰ñ“]
        when 22  # 180 “x‰ñ“]
        when 23  # ‰E‚©¶‚É 90 “x‰ñ“]
        when 24  # ƒ‰ƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚É•ûŒü“]Š·
        when 25  # ƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚Ì•û‚ðŒü‚­
        when 26  # ƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚Ì‹t‚ðŒü‚­
        @move_route_index += 1
      # ‚»‚Ì‘¼‚̃Rƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚̏ꍇ
      if command.code >= 27
        # ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhƒR[ƒh‚Å•ªŠò
        case command.code
        when 27  # ƒXƒCƒbƒ` ON
          $game_switches[command.parameters[0]] = true
          $game_map.need_refresh = true
        when 28  # ƒXƒCƒbƒ` OFF
          $game_switches[command.parameters[0]] = false
          $game_map.need_refresh = true
        when 29  # ˆÚ“®‘¬“x‚̕ύX
          @move_speed = command.parameters[0]
        when 30  # ˆÚ“®•p“x‚̕ύX
          @move_frequency = command.parameters[0]
        when 31  # ˆÚ“®ŽžƒAƒjƒ ON
          @walk_anime = true
        when 32  # ˆÚ“®ŽžƒAƒjƒ OFF
          @walk_anime = false
        when 33  # ’âŽ~ŽžƒAƒjƒ ON
          @step_anime = true
        when 34  # ’âŽ~ŽžƒAƒjƒ OFF
          @step_anime = false
        when 35  # Œü‚«ŒÅ’è ON
          @direction_fix = true
        when 36  # Œü‚«ŒÅ’è OFF
          @direction_fix = false
        when 37  # ‚·‚蔲‚¯ ON
          @through = true
        when 38  # ‚·‚蔲‚¯ OFF
          @through = false
        when 39  # Å‘O–Ê‚É•\Ž¦ ON
          @always_on_top = true
        when 40  # Å‘O–Ê‚É•\Ž¦ OFF
          @always_on_top = false
        when 41  # ƒOƒ‰ƒtƒBƒbƒN•ÏX
          @tile_id = 0
          @character_name = command.parameters[0]
          @character_hue = command.parameters[1]
          if @original_direction != command.parameters[2]
            @direction = command.parameters[2]
            @original_direction = @direction
            @prelock_direction = 0
          if @original_pattern != command.parameters[3]
            @pattern = command.parameters[3]
            @original_pattern = @pattern
        when 42  # •s“§–¾“x‚̕ύX
          @opacity = command.parameters[0]
        when 43  # ‡¬•û–@‚̕ύX
          @blend_type = command.parameters[0]
        when 44  # SE ‚̉‰‘t
        when 45  # ƒXƒNƒŠƒvƒg
          result = eval(command.parameters[0])
        @move_route_index += 1
  # œ ‰º‚Ɉړ®
  def move_down_p
    # ‰º‚ðŒü‚­
    # ˆÚ“®‹——£‚ðŽZo
    distance = 2 ** @move_speed
    down1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
          ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance, true)
  # œ ‰º‚Ɉړ®‰Â”\‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚Ì”»’è‚P
  def down1(x, y, distance, down = false)
    result = down2(x, y, distance)
    if result == false
      @event_run = check_event_trigger_touch(x, y+1)
      return result
    if @revise_x < -SIDE
      result = down2(x, y + 1, distance, 4)
      result &= down2(x - 1, y, distance)
      if result == false
        if down
          if @revise_x > SIDE
            @revise_x = SIDE
        return result
    elsif @revise_x > SIDE
      result = down2(x, y + 1, distance, 6)
      result &= down2(x + 1, y, distance)
      if result == false
        if down
          if @revise_x < -SIDE
            @revise_x = -SIDE
        return result
    # ‰º‚Ɉړ®‰Â”\‚È‚ç‚΋——£•ªˆÚ“®
    @revise_y += distance
    return result
  # œ ‰º‚Ɉړ®‰Â”\‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚Ì”»’è‚Q
  def down2(x, y, distance, d = 2)
    if @revise_y + distance > 0
      unless passable?(x, y, d)
        if @revise_y < 0
          @revise_y = 0
        return false
    return true
  # œ ¶‚Ɉړ®
  def move_left_p
    # ¶‚ðŒü‚­
    distance = 2 ** @move_speed
    left1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
          ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance, true)
  # œ ¶‚Ɉړ®‰Â”\‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚Ì”»’è‚P
  def left1(x, y, distance, left = false)
    result = left2(x, y, distance)
    if result == false
      @event_run = check_event_trigger_touch(x-1, y)
      return result
    if @revise_y < -UP
      result = left2(x - 1, y, distance, 8)
      result &= left2(x, y - 1, distance)
      if result == false
        if left
          if @revise_y > 0
            @revise_y = 0
        return result
    elsif @revise_y > 0
      result = left2(x - 1, y, distance, 2)
      result &= left2(x, y + 1, distance)
      if result == false
        if left
          if @revise_y < -UP
            @revise_y = -UP
        return result
    @revise_x -= distance
    return result
  # œ ¶‚Ɉړ®‰Â”\‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚Ì”»’è‚Q
  def left2(x, y, distance, d = 4)
    if @revise_x - distance < -SIDE
      unless passable?(x, y, d)
        if @revise_x > -SIDE
          @revise_x = -SIDE
        return false
    return true
  # œ ‰E‚Ɉړ®
  def move_right_p
      # ‰E‚ðŒü‚­
    distance = 2 ** @move_speed
    right1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
            ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance, true)
  # œ ‰E‚Ɉړ®‰Â”\‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚Ì”»’è‚P
  def right1(x, y, distance, right = false)
    result = right2(x, y, distance)
    if result == false
      @event_run = check_event_trigger_touch(x+1, y)
      return result
    if @revise_y < -UP
      result = right2(x + 1, y, distance, 8)
      result &= right2(x, y - 1, distance)
      if result == false
        if right
          if @revise_y > 0
            @revise_y = 0
        return result
    elsif @revise_y > 0
      result = right2(x + 1, y, distance, 2)
      result &= right2(x, y + 1, distance)
      if result == false
        if right
          if @revise_y < -UP
            @revise_y = -UP
        return result
    @revise_x += distance
    return result
  # œ ‰E‚Ɉړ®‰Â”\‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚Ì”»’è‚Q
  def right2(x, y, distance, d = 6)
    if @revise_x + distance > SIDE
      unless passable?(x, y, d)
        if @revise_x < SIDE
          @revise_x = SIDE
        return false
    return true
  # œ ã‚Ɉړ®
  def move_up_p
    # ã‚ðŒü‚­
    # ‰º‚Ɉړ®
    distance = 2 ** @move_speed
    up1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
        ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance, true)
  # œ ã‚Ɉړ®‰Â”\‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚Ì”»’è‚P
  def up1(x, y, distance, up = false)
    result = up2(x, y, distance)
    if result == false
      @event_run = check_event_trigger_touch(x, y-1)
      return result
    if @revise_x < -SIDE
      result = up2(x, y - 1, distance, 4)
      result &= up2(x - 1, y, distance)
      if result == false
        if up
          if @revise_x > SIDE
            @revise_x = SIDE
        return result
    elsif @revise_x > SIDE
      result = up2(x, y - 1, distance, 6)
      result &= up2(x + 1, y, distance)
      if result == false
        if up
          if @revise_x < -SIDE
            @revise_x = -SIDE
        return result
    @revise_y -= distance
    return result
  # œ ã‚Ɉړ®‰Â”\‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚Ì”»’è‚Q
  def up2(x, y, distance, d = 8)
    if @revise_y - distance < -UP
      unless passable?(x, y, d)
        if @revise_y > -UP
          @revise_y = -UP
        return false
    return true
  # œ ¶‰º‚Ɉړ®
  def move_lower_left_p
    # Œü‚«ŒÅ’è‚Å‚È‚¢ê‡
    unless @direction_fix
      # ‰EŒü‚«‚¾‚Á‚½ê‡‚͍¶‚ðAãŒü‚«‚¾‚Á‚½ê‡‚͉º‚ðŒü‚­
      @direction = (@direction == 6 ? 4 : @direction == 8 ? 2 : @direction)
    # ¶‰º‚Ɉړ®
    distance = (2 ** @move_speed) / Math.sqrt(2)
    if @direction == 2
      turn_left unless down1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                              ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
      turn_down if @event_run
      unless @event_run
        if last_move?(@real_x, @real_y, 2, distance)
          result = check_event_trigger_here([1,2], false)
          if result == true
        if @revise_y > 0 and -UP > @revise_y - distance
          @revise_y = 0
        turn_down unless left1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                              ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
        turn_left if @event_run
      turn_down unless left1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                              ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
      turn_left if @event_run
      unless @event_run
        if last_move?(@real_x, @real_y, 4, distance)
          result = check_event_trigger_here([1,2], false)
          if result == true
        if  @revise_x + distance> SIDE and -SIDE > @revise_x
          @revise_x = -SIDE
        turn_left unless down1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                              ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
        turn_down if @event_run
  # œ ‰E‰º‚Ɉړ®
  def move_lower_right_p
    # Œü‚«ŒÅ’è‚Å‚È‚¢ê‡
    unless @direction_fix
      # ¶Œü‚«‚¾‚Á‚½ê‡‚͉E‚ðAãŒü‚«‚¾‚Á‚½ê‡‚͉º‚ðŒü‚­
      @direction = (@direction == 4 ? 6 : @direction == 8 ? 2 : @direction)
    # ‰E‰º‚Ɉړ®
    distance = (2 ** @move_speed) / Math.sqrt(2)
    if @direction == 2
      turn_right unless down1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                              ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
      turn_down if @event_run
      unless @event_run
        if last_move?(@real_x, @real_y, 2, distance)
          result = check_event_trigger_here([1,2], false)
          if result == true
        if @revise_y > 0 and -UP > @revise_y - distance
          @revise_y = 0
        turn_down unless right1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                              ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
        turn_right if @event_run
      turn_down unless right1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                              ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
      turn_right if @event_run
      unless @event_run
        if last_move?(@real_x, @real_y, 6, distance)
          result = check_event_trigger_here([1,2], false)
          if result == true
        if @revise_x > SIDE and -SIDE > @revise_x - distance
          @revise_x = SIDE
        turn_right unless down1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                              ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
        turn_down if @event_run
  # œ ¶ã‚Ɉړ®
  def move_upper_left_p
    # Œü‚«ŒÅ’è‚Å‚È‚¢ê‡
    unless @direction_fix
      # ‰EŒü‚«‚¾‚Á‚½ê‡‚͍¶‚ðA‰ºŒü‚«‚¾‚Á‚½ê‡‚͏ã‚ðŒü‚­
      @direction = (@direction == 6 ? 4 : @direction == 2 ? 8 : @direction)
    # ¶ã‚Ɉړ®
    distance = (2 ** @move_speed) / Math.sqrt(2)
    if @direction == 8
      turn_left unless up1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                            ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
      turn_up if @event_run
      unless @event_run
        if last_move?(@real_x, @real_y, 8, distance)
          result = check_event_trigger_here([1,2], false)
          if result == true
        if @revise_y + distance > 0 and -UP > @revise_y
          @revise_y = -UP
        turn_up unless left1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                              ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
        turn_left if @event_run
      turn_up unless left1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                            ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
      turn_left if @event_run
      unless @event_run
        if last_move?(@real_x, @real_y, 4, distance)
          result = check_event_trigger_here([1,2], false)
          if result == true
        if @revise_x > SIDE and -SIDE > @revise_x - distance
          @revise_x = SIDE
        turn_left unless up1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                              ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
        turn_up if @event_run
  # œ ‰Eã‚Ɉړ®
  def move_upper_right_p
    # Œü‚«ŒÅ’è‚Å‚È‚¢ê‡
    unless @direction_fix
      # ¶Œü‚«‚¾‚Á‚½ê‡‚͉E‚ðA‰ºŒü‚«‚¾‚Á‚½ê‡‚͏ã‚ðŒü‚­
      @direction = (@direction == 4 ? 6 : @direction == 2 ? 8 : @direction)
    # ‰Eã‚Ɉړ®
    distance = (2 ** @move_speed) / Math.sqrt(2)
    if @direction == 8
      turn_right unless up1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                            ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
      turn_up if @event_run
      unless @event_run
        if last_move?(@real_x, @real_y, 8, distance)
          result = check_event_trigger_here([1,2], false)
          if result == true
        if @revise_y + distance > 0 and -UP > @revise_y
          @revise_y = -UP
        turn_up unless right1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                              ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
        turn_right if @event_run
      turn_up unless right1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                            ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
      turn_right if @event_run
      unless @event_run
        if last_move?(@real_x, @real_y, 6, distance)
          result = check_event_trigger_here([1,2], false)
          if result == true
        if @revise_x > SIDE and -SIDE > @revise_x - distance
          @revise_x = SIDE
        turn_right unless up1(((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round,
                              ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round, distance)
        turn_up if @event_run
  # œ “¯ˆÊ’u‚̃Cƒxƒ“ƒg‹N“®”»’è
  def check_event_trigger_here(triggers, run = true)
    result = false
    # ƒCƒxƒ“ƒgŽÀs’†‚̏ꍇ
    if $game_system.map_interpreter.running?
      return result
    # ‘SƒCƒxƒ“ƒg‚̃‹[ƒv
    for event in $
      # ƒCƒxƒ“ƒg‚̍À•W‚ƃgƒŠƒK[‚ªˆê’v‚µ‚½ê‡
      if event.x == ((@x * 128 + @revise_x) / 128.0).round and
          event.y == ((@y * 128 + @revise_y) / 128.0).round and
        # ƒWƒƒƒ“ƒv’†ˆÈŠO‚ŁA‹N“®”»’肪“¯ˆÊ’u‚̃Cƒxƒ“ƒg‚È‚ç
        if not event.jumping? and event.over_trigger?
          if event.list.size > 1
            if run == true
            result = true
    return result
  # œ À•WC³
  def move_on
    if @y < (@y + @revise_y / 128.0).round
      @y += 1
      @revise_y -= 128
    if @x > (@x + @revise_x / 128.0).round
      @x -= 1
      @revise_x += 128
    if @x < (@x + @revise_x / 128.0).round
      @x += 1
      @revise_x -= 128
    if @y > (@y + @revise_y / 128.0).round
      @y -= 1
      @revise_y += 128
  # œ ƒAƒjƒ[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“ƒAƒbƒvƒf[ƒg
  def anime_update
    # ˆÚ“®ŽžƒAƒjƒ‚ª ON ‚̏ꍇ
    if @walk_anime
      # ƒAƒjƒƒJƒEƒ“ƒg‚ð 1.5 ‘‚â‚·
      @anime_count += 1.5
    # ˆÚ“®ŽžƒAƒjƒ‚ª OFF ‚ŁA’âŽ~ŽžƒAƒjƒ‚ª ON ‚̏ꍇ
    elsif @step_anime
      # ƒAƒjƒƒJƒEƒ“ƒg‚ð 1 ‘‚â‚·
      @anime_count += 1
    # ƒAƒjƒƒJƒEƒ“ƒg‚ªÅ‘å’l‚ð’´‚¦‚½ê‡
    # ¦Å‘å’l‚́AŠî–{’l 18 ‚©‚çˆÚ“®‘¬“x * 1 ‚ðˆø‚¢‚½’l
    if @anime_count > 18 - @move_speed * 2
      # ’âŽ~ŽžƒAƒjƒ‚ª OFF ‚©‚ ’âŽ~’†‚̏ꍇ
      if not @step_anime and @stop_count > 0
        # ƒpƒ^[ƒ“‚ðƒIƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹‚É–ß‚·
        @pattern = @original_pattern
      # ’âŽ~ŽžƒAƒjƒ‚ª ON ‚Ü‚½‚Í ˆÚ“®’†‚̏ꍇ
        # ƒpƒ^[ƒ“‚ðXV
        @pattern = (@pattern + 1) % 4
      # ƒAƒjƒƒJƒEƒ“ƒg‚ðƒNƒŠƒA
      @anime_count = 0
  # œ Žw’èˆÊ’u‚Ɉړ®
  # ƒIƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹‚̃Cƒxƒ“ƒg‚ð‰ü–¼
  alias :moveto_original :moveto
  def moveto(x, y)
    # •â³À•W‚ð‰Šú‰»
    @revise_x = 0
    @revise_y = 0
    # ƒIƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹‚̃Cƒxƒ“ƒg‚ðŒÄ‚яo‚µ
    moveto_original(x, y)
  # œ ˆÚ“®‚µ‚½‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚Ì”»’è
  def last_move?(x, y, direction, distance)
    if direction == 2 or direction == 6
      distance *= -1
    if (direction == 2 or direction == 8) and
        (y / 128.0).round != ((y - distance) / 128.0).round
      return true
    if (direction == 4 or direction == 6) and
        (x / 128.0).round != ((x - distance) / 128.0).round
      return true
    return false

# ¡ Game_Character (•ªŠ„’è‹` 1)
# @ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^[‚ðˆµ‚¤ƒNƒ‰ƒX‚Å‚·B‚±‚̃Nƒ‰ƒX‚Í Game_Player ƒNƒ‰ƒX‚Æ Game_Event
# ƒNƒ‰ƒX‚̃X[ƒp[ƒNƒ‰ƒX‚Æ‚µ‚ÄŽg—p‚³‚ê‚Ü‚·B

class Game_Character
  # œ ‰æ–Ê X À•W‚̎擾
  def screen_x
    # ŽÀÀ•W‚ƃ}ƒbƒv‚Ì•\Ž¦ˆÊ’u‚©‚ç‰æ–ʍÀ•W‚ð‹‚ß‚é
    return ((@real_x - $game_map.display_x) / 4).ceil + 16
  # œ ‰æ–Ê Y À•W‚̎擾
  def screen_y
    # ŽÀÀ•W‚ƃ}ƒbƒv‚Ì•\Ž¦ˆÊ’u‚©‚ç‰æ–ʍÀ•W‚ð‹‚ß‚é
    y = ((@real_y - $game_map.display_y) / 4).ceil + 32
    # ƒWƒƒƒ“ƒvƒJƒEƒ“ƒg‚ɉž‚¶‚Ä Y À•W‚ð¬‚³‚­‚·‚é
    if @jump_count >= @jump_peak
      n = @jump_count - @jump_peak
      n = @jump_peak - @jump_count
    return y - (@jump_peak * @jump_peak - n * n) / 2
  # œ ƒtƒŒ[ƒ€XV (ˆÚ“®)
  def update_move
    # ˆÚ“®‘¬“x‚©‚çƒ}ƒbƒvÀ•WŒn‚ł̈ړ®‹——£‚É•ÏŠ·
    distance = 2 ** @move_speed
    if @x * 128 != @real_x and @y * 128 != @real_y and Game_Player::SLANT
      distance /= Math.sqrt(2)
    # ˜_—À•W‚ªŽÀÀ•W‚æ‚艺‚̏ꍇ
    if @y * 128 > @real_y
      # ‰º‚Ɉړ®
      @real_y = [@real_y + distance, @y * 128].min
    # ˜_—À•W‚ªŽÀÀ•W‚æ‚荶‚̏ꍇ
    if @x * 128 < @real_x
      # ¶‚Ɉړ®
      @real_x = [@real_x - distance, @x * 128].max
    # ˜_—À•W‚ªŽÀÀ•W‚æ‚è‰E‚̏ꍇ
    if @x * 128 > @real_x
      # ‰E‚Ɉړ®
      @real_x = [@real_x + distance, @x * 128].min
    # ˜_—À•W‚ªŽÀÀ•W‚æ‚èã‚̏ꍇ
    if @y * 128 < @real_y
      # ã‚Ɉړ®
      @real_y = [@real_y - distance, @y * 128].max
    # ˆÚ“®ŽžƒAƒjƒ‚ª ON ‚̏ꍇ
    if @walk_anime
      # ƒAƒjƒƒJƒEƒ“ƒg‚ð 1.5 ‘‚â‚·
      @anime_count += 1.5
    # ˆÚ“®ŽžƒAƒjƒ‚ª OFF ‚ŁA’âŽ~ŽžƒAƒjƒ‚ª ON ‚̏ꍇ
    elsif @step_anime
      # ƒAƒjƒƒJƒEƒ“ƒg‚ð 1 ‘‚â‚·
      @anime_count += 1

# ¡ Game_Event
# @ƒCƒxƒ“ƒg‚ðˆµ‚¤ƒNƒ‰ƒX‚Å‚·BðŒ”»’è‚É‚æ‚éƒCƒxƒ“ƒgƒy[ƒWØ‚è‘Ö‚¦‚âA•À—ñˆ—
# ƒCƒxƒ“ƒgŽÀs‚È‚Ç‚Ì‹@”\‚ðŽ‚Á‚Ä‚¨‚èAGame_Map ƒNƒ‰ƒX‚Ì“à•”‚ÅŽg—p‚³‚ê‚Ü‚·B

class Game_Event < Game_Character
  # œ ƒCƒxƒ“ƒg‹N“®
  def start
    # ŽÀs“à—e‚ª‹ó‚Å‚È‚¢ê‡
    if @list.size > 1
      # $game_player.event ‚ª0‚Å‚È‚¢ê‡
      if $game_player.event != 0
        # ˆÚ“®‘¬“x‚ð $game_player.event ‚É‚·‚é
        $game_player.move_speed = $game_player.event
      elsif self.trigger == 0
        $game_player.move_speed = $game_player.walk
      @starting = true

I didn't script this!
Credits: Based on Genzai Kawakami's shadows, dynamisme&features by Rataime, extra features Boushy

And yeah last thing, credit these guyz if you use the script.
Ow, You may notice the title of the script as "Sprite Shadow". That's true. But using this script enables the 8 way movement + Pixel movement + Dash and all.. I couldn't understand the language it was written (the part which is used for the features you wanted) so I couldn't edit it.