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Save-Point - Need help with script fix (Conditional and Combo Skills)


Full Version: Need help with script fix (Conditional and Combo Skills)
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I dont post in the forums often, but one of those rare times where I need some help has come. Recently I downloaded to try the Conditional Combo Skills script, and it works perfectly as I want except for one small problem. When I start a game and try to have a skill that needs an item in my inventory and uses the item, in the script I must use Dnnn whereas an item that is needed but does not dissapear is Innn (n being the items database number). The script in battle and for the skill works perfect, but in the game under menu there is a new option called "combo" and under it is the list of combo's you know and when you select acombo it will bring a list up of all the conditions needed to be met to activate said skill. but for any skill that needs a useable item rather than jsut an item I get the following script error.

Script 'Data Structure' line 204: TypeError occured.
no implicit conversion from nil to integer

when I enter my scripts in the specific script 'Data Structure' and go to said line 204, I find the script for it is the exact same as the script which does work with the item that is not used.
this is what is shown on the lines:
201 when "have_item"
202 text = "Must possess item #{$data_items[@have_item].name}"
203 when "use_item"
204 text = "Must possess item #{$data_items[@have_item].name}"
the "have_item" is the script that shows up for items that are not used up but needed, and the "use_item" is the line that has the error. I dont know what info I might be missing or why the game cannot seem to run the programing, but if anyone could help fix this problem I would be very happy as I am not the best at programming.

(Also I am not sure if this is exactly the right forum to post this in but if it is not then I apolagize and apreciate if I am told that I was wrong and could be told where it should be)
I haven't looked at the entire script (link please?), but it looks like the author used @have_item where @use_item was needed.
Thanks Charlie, once again I have been saved by your knowledge. XD Love your scripts btw. Anyways I changed the word and it worked so thank you for the advice. For anyone who wants the script here is the link on these forums, its kinda burried. I was going to post under there the fix that was needed but I am afraid I might get in trouble for necro-posting.
A repair is a repair. Because it was found, I bumped that thread as a service announcement.

Thanks guys. :)