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Save-Point - (XP) Weapon 'Swinging' for Fleed FFX CTB


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Hi all,

I've been using RPG Maker XP on and off for a long time and up until this point, I've been using the old Tankentai Sideview Battle System by Atoa/Enu. It's caused me a lot of headaches considering non-existent support and lots of little problems, but the one selling point it still has for me is that when my battlers attack, the weapon they are using is shown.

Pretty much identical to what you would see in Final Fantasies 4-6

ANYWAY, I am wanting to switch to Charlie Fleed's FFX style CTB system and really start getting serious about creating this game I've been working on for so long. What I need is a script that will allow me to have my charsets visually swinging their weapons when they attack. I've asked around extensively and even spoken to Charlie Fleed himself about this, but as of yet, no script like this exists.

The way my current battle system displays weapons is by using the icons assigned to them in the database. As a character attacks, the weapon appears in his/her hand held straight up and ends horizontally as if being swung. The battlers that will be used in this game are RMXP charsets. Minkoff style battlers are more than I can handle right now.

I am also wanting to include projectile weapons such as bows and guns in this request. Below are the Bow/Gun scripts that were used in the battle system I am currently using. I simply wish for these to be made compatible with Fleed's FFX system.

# ■ Bow Attack Animation Sequence for RPG Tankentai SBS
#     1.3.09
#  Script by Mr. Bubble with basis from Kylock's Bow Addon
#   Adds a new bow animation which allows for a much smoother arrow animation
# compared to Kylock's Bow Addon.  This script is designed not to have conflicts
# with Kylock's Bow Addon in case you want to use both.
#   Updated for proper arrow animation in mirrored back attacks.
# ■ How to Install
# - Requires Animation 102 from the demo placed in the same ID in your project.
# - Requires "woodarrow.png" in .Graphics\Characters.

module N01
  # Weapon element that grants a bow animation.
  # Attack Animation Actions
    "DRAW_POSE"   => [ 0,  1,  1,   2,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
    "DRAW_BOW"    => ["anime",  102,  0, false, false, false],
    "ARROW_ANGLE" => [ 30, 60,  11],
    "SHOOT_ARROW" => ["m_a", 0,  0,   0, 15,  -10,  0, 0, 0,false,"ARROW_ANGLE"],
    # Back attack single-actions.
    "SHOOT_ARROW(BA)" => ["m_a", 0,  0,   0, 15,  -10,  0, 0, 0,false,"ARROW_ANGLE(BA)"],
    "ARROW_ANGLE(BA)" => [ 325, 305,  11],
  # Action Sequence
    # Normal sequence
                        "SHOOT_ARROW", "12","OBJ_ANIM","16",
                        "Can Collapse","FLEE_RESET"],
    # Back attack sequence
                        "SHOOT_ARROW(BA)", "12","OBJ_ANIM","16",
                        "Can Collapse","FLEE_RESET"],

class RPG::Weapon
  alias bubs_bow_base_action base_action
  def base_action
    # If "Bow" Element is checked on the weapons tab in the database,
    #  the new ranged attack action sequence is used.
    if $data_weapons[@id].element_set.include?(N01::BOW_WEAPON_ELEMENT) and $back_attack
      return "NEW_BOW_ATTACK(BA)" # Back attack
    elsif $data_weapons[@id].element_set.include?(N01::BOW_WEAPON_ELEMENT)
      return "NEW_BOW_ATTACK" # Normal
  alias bubs_bow_flying_graphic flying_graphic
  def flying_graphic
    if $data_weapons[@id].element_set.include?(N01::BOW_WEAPON_ELEMENT)
      return "woodarrow"

class RPG::Skill
  alias bubs_bow_base_action base_action
  def base_action
    # If "Bow" Element is checked on the weapons tab in the database,
    #  the new ranged attack action sequence is used.
    if $data_skills[@id].element_set.include?(N01::BOW_WEAPON_ELEMENT) and $back_attack
      return "NEW_BOW_ATTACK(BA)" # Back attack
    elsif $data_skills[@id].element_set.include?(N01::BOW_WEAPON_ELEMENT)
      return "NEW_BOW_ATTACK" # Normal
  alias bubs_bow_flying_graphic flying_graphic
  def flying_graphic
    if $data_skills[@id].element_set.include?(N01::BOW_WEAPON_ELEMENT)
      return "woodarrow"

# Add-On: Guns 1.1
# by Kylock
# This Add-On allows you to use additional animations for guns.
# To use this script, verify if your guns have the attribute with the same
# ID as GUN_ELEMENT in the weapon's tab of your database.

module N01
  # Element for the weapon/skill that has the Gun Animation
  # Attack Animation
   "GUNSHOT" => ["sound", "se",  100, 100, "close1"],}
  # Action Sequence
        "OBJ_ANIM_WEIGHT","12","WPN_SWING_VL","OBJ_ANIM_L","One Wpn Only",
        "16","Can Collapse","JUMP_TO","COORD_RESET"],}

class RPG::Weapon
  alias kylock_guns_base_action base_action
  def base_action
    # If the "Gun" attribute is marked on the weapon's element,
    # the new attack sequence is used
    if $data_weapons[@id].element_set.include?(N01::GUN_ELEMENT)
      return "GUN_ATTACK"

class RPG::Skill
  alias kylock_sguns_base_action base_action
  def base_action
    # If the "Gun" attribute is marked on the weapon's element,
    # the new attack sequence is used
    if $data_skills[@id].element_set.include?(N01::GUN_ELEMENT)
      return "GUN_ATTACK"

Coding is not my particular forte. I'm good with maps and events. If this can be done or not, please let me know. If you have any questions for me, I will respond as quickly as I possibly can.
Charlie Fleed's CTB used Minkoff's Animated Battlers, which is a visual Sideview Engine I have been working on and maintaining for years, and which was originally crafted years ago by Minkoff (in 05-06).

The system can encorporate Characterset battlers. These would be the same as the charactersets you have in your characterset folder, but must be placed in the Battlers folder. I do not have a method for it to realize battlers are kept in the Characterset folder. Winking

As Charlie's CTB uses Animated Battlers, you should be able to see in the script editor, my Animated Battlers section... including the configuration page. I'll make it easy for you to convert his 'minkoff battlers' setup for charactersets. In the Animated Battlers thread within this forum, you will find a few TEMPLATE files... one says 'Characterset Template' that is a totally rewritten configuration page made so you can use Charactersets instead. Happy Just paste that version in place of the Animated Battlers configuration page. Now you just paste you charactersets into the Battler folder and you're ready.

As to using weapons that move.... Dude, you're gonna be surprised.

I have an add-on called 'Brenda's Visual Battlers' This lets you have extra equipment visible on your guys while in battle. So, if your dude has a shield and a sword, you can have a shield and sword visible. They change according to how you equip your characters... much like Visual Equipment which changes the guys on the field map.

However, you will need to have characterset-sized graphics for each visible weapon that can be drawn over the guys. BUT... that means a sword equipped by one guy will be the same sword graphic for the other.


I realize that you would need to edit all your charactersets that are to be placed in the BATTLERS folder to have one more 'facing the enemy' pose (the guys facing left). So there will be 5 poses... not 4 like normal. This 5th pose should be used for your weapon attacks. Likewise, the weapon charactersets I mentioned should match up with the battlers, so you'd prolly want the weapons to appear and move only on the 5th pose... swinging.

And don't forget to read the instruction manual that comes with Animated Battlers!!! Winking
Alright, I've got my charsets working in Fleed's system, now I just need to figure out Brenda's Visual Battlers. One question, how would characters who dual wield be handled? I am using Guilaume's multi-slot and from the description, Brenda's doesn't like that.
Brenda isn't really set up for Guillaume's. Actually, there really isn't much handling for two-handed attackers in Brenda yet. It's something I have to look into. It's probably more used to MultiSlots (by me) than Guillaume's system.

It's sexier too.