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Save-Point - Alternate MP Pool request (VX)


Full Version: Alternate MP Pool request (VX)
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Hi all, sup?
I swore I saw this somewhere, but I can't seem to find it again, so I'm gonna do my best to explain and request it. First off, some basics: I'm using RMVX, and the default battle system (if it matters). I guess this is technically a two part thing too, or rather 1 & 1/2.

We all know how MP works, correct? Welp, I'm looking to create a secondary pool of MP. I'll be calling the default MP (the individual actor's and enemy's MP) SP, for Stamina Points. What I'd like to do though is create a secondary MP, that is shared amongst all combatants. Certain skills use the individual's SP, while others use MP from this pool. No skill uses both. However I would also like to be able to increase this count, say if it got too low for any spell (say it hits 1 or 0), certain skills or items would be able to increase this amount, just like an ether would in a typical game.

I'd love this to be simple, something I can put in the note boxes of skills, say <mpr n> would be the cost off MP while <mpa n> would increase MP. If I could I'd love to have the option to do a range, like a skill adds 1 to 3 MP. Oh, also obviously those tag examples are just examples, if someone helps and gets it however they do, awesome either way.

The second part, if it counts as a secondary part, is that MP costs would be displayed in another color. That way it's simple and easy. I'd also need a window (I can size it and arrange it's X & Y if you'd like, and play with placements) that displays the MP pool. I'd like the MP pool to cap at 99.

Oh, it should be obvious, if you input all your characters to cast a spell but you run out of MP before the spell would be cast, the character should simply lose their turn.

I hope that explains it, without me causing a cluster of confusion. Have a gaday and thanks for readings~
Just a recap from IRC...

I have that Skills that use Variables script. You'd be able to use a generic variable as your pool. It's RMXP, but you should be able to adapt it for VX with no problem.
It's close, but problematic.
I have so many events running in my battle that doing more events with conditional branches or switch calls during combat is pretty undesirable for me. I'm trying to cut down on the events with scripts. I'm gonna hold on to it, but if I can get a script that requires less eventing, I'm gonna run with that. Thanks though, I'll probably use it anyway XD

The only real problem with using that is, I've got events for near every skill, for near every target. So my troop set up has become just a giant mess of events. Half my skills are just battle specific events. And a good chunk of others are calling common events. It's, annoying and has become unorganized (there's no real way to organize this stuff). Sometimes the player or enemy end up doing certain conditionals with their actions the whole things calling 80 events the next turn, and the battle starts to lag. I need to de-event.
Events? The script doesn't use events. Here's the config:
# The variable being used.

# The HP Skill Cost Array
  SKILL_VAR_COST  = {1 =>3, 57 => 60}
You just assign what RMXP (or VX) variable you want to use as your pool... in this case Variable #2. And then you set how many points from the variable a skill uses. In the above case, skill #1 uses 3 points and Skill #57 uses 60 points.

Technically, you could have a skill use both MP points from the default system and Variable points combined, though I do know you don't want that. In your case, just set the non-MP using skills to 0MP cost, and use the above hash array.

But there's no eventing involved.
Is this resolved? It should be pretty easy to make if you need it.

EDIT: VX, damn. I have never scripted in VX before
I was leaving it open just in case anyone wanted to step in and step up to it. While DerVVulfman's suggestion does work. it does involve some eventing and very minor inconveniences.

From what I've done, I haven't found to many problems with VX. I'm really basic, doing icons in windows and things like that, and haven't looked at how MP/battles/skills work really, but I might be able to convert it to VX if someone could only do, say XP.