
Full Version: Charlie Fleed's CTB - Problem with dual wielding characters
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I've just got a simple question for you Charlie.

I have a character that dual wields, and he likes to charge and retreat after attacking with each weapon. Charge-attack-retreat-charge-attack-retreat. Is there any way I can have this character attack once with each weapon before retreating? (charge-attack-attack-retreat)

I'm using DVV's Multi slot system with your CTB.
Before he answers, let me just say 'That is one of the most common problems associated with nearly every sideview emulation system.' It occurs with my Animated Battlers system (and even before when it was Minkoff's), the Cybersam CTB, Ccoa's long forgotten Sideview system, ParaDog's Sideview system... er, get the hint?

Right now, there's no actual solution. But it is something I have been trying to work out for a while.

It is an animation problem, not a CTB situation.
I'm closing this, as MegaPowerNinjia posted the same question in the CTB thread. Also I'm pasting DVV's answer in that thread.