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Save-Point - Script that restores MP while walking on the world map or dungeon


Full Version: Script that restores MP while walking on the world map or dungeon
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I was just wondering is there a script for RMVX that slowly restores your MP while walking around the world map or a dungeon like in Golden Sun?
Thank you but how do you event it without too much lag though?
Do it via events!
Every time the character changes X/Y position, +1mp
Quote:Do it via events!
Every time the character changes X/Y position, +1mp

Or if he press button to move. More easier, than the X\Y variable changes. ^___^
Yes but then you could just stand against a wall and still increase your MP ;)
# Restore SP while moving | Written by Valdred for Rose Guardian |
class Scene_Map
  alias ol_up_val update
  def update
    $game_party.actors.each {|i|i.sp += 1 if $game_player.moving?}

paste above main

or if you want it to happen always, even when the player is standing still, use this modification:
# Restore SP while moving | Written by Valdred for Rose Guardian |
class Scene_Map
  alias ol_up_val update
  def update
    $game_party.actors.each {|i|i.sp += 1}

Tell me if you need more help

Damn, I wrote for xp :P I will see if I can translate it.
I still think that an event would be easier than a script.