Well just yesterday, and today i had to do a reformat on my computer which is a Windows 7 so i reinstalled both rpg maker XP and VX. So basically the activation code did not work so i used my serial number to copy and paste a new one as well as writing it down on a piece of paper. Well basically after today reformat i tried to get a new serial number again for it but it was already registered so i could not use it again. So i do wonder if it's a good idea to buy the updated versions of RPG Maker XP and VX? Considering i've tried everything to get the new activation codes to work for it.
Wait. Tried to get a new serial number or activation code after supplying your old serial number?
I saved my serial number and it could still generate an activation number I could use to re-install XP and VX after formatting my PC.
Yes i did tried to get a new activation code using the old serial number which i have saved and i get this error
"The serial number has already been registered. Please contact your distributor."
I never had issues with this before when i actually had it on my old computer that had windows xp quite a few years ago.
I'm DerVVulfman... using my normal-Joe/non-Admin system checkin' account.
That is extremely odd. I had to format my PC only a month and a half ago because of a malicious malware bug, and had to reinstall XP and VX from scratch. I was able to get activation codes straight from my...
... Um, when I originally downloaded RMXP and RMVX, I burned the download files to CD so I made actual installation discs so I didn't need to redownload them if anything happened. Are you using your original installation files? Because I did and it worked then.
Yes i have for VX considering i saved the original intallation file for that as well as XP. Which is very unusual though considering it worked before.
Well if all else fails then i'll rebuy it and use the old versions as a backup considering rpg maker XP is $30 dollars now Plus VX is $60 dollars that without the Samurai pack.