
Full Version: Getting Banned or Not?
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I'd forward their eMails back. Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Just kidding, Wizoo. But yeah, like Olivia stated, game_guy's statements implied that he did not offer you criticism or advice, but made it more of an order to do as he stated.

Now, I will ask you to consider having your database files (not part of your game's exe) and the saved data to be in a sort of separate folder. This way you 'COULD' uninstall/reinstall the initial program without the necessity of restarting a project. Maybe if your databases or saved filea are structured differently, perhaps you could offer a separate 'data-update' program to convert the data to the new format... perhaps a header in the data files so it recognizes which version you're using. I do admit that I am guilty of a few updates that forces one to start over with their save-game files, but that's few and far between (if I can help it).

Oh, and if you didn't read my siggy... yep, it's me... DerVV.
lolz, it's no problem. i didn't use an external database because i don't want people ripping off my hard work and using it for their own applications. it's free but not open source.

O.o wolfman is an owl?!
er... so is Punk actually Olivia in disguise?
Ooookay. Hardcoding the data into the program I see.. Well, I guess if you keep the 'saves' separately so they don't get corrupted or erased, that would be cool. Though one could use an encryption algorythm on loading. Keep them guessing. Winking I could give you a simple system that lets you set the code key, so you can use the same system for different applications. The code key itself is the cypher. PM me if interested. Er, PM my DerVV account.

"As your teacher, Mr. Spock, is fond of saying, 'I like to think there always are ...possibilities." - Kirk (Star Trek II)

Um, PK8 and Olivia didn't merge into one being. Confused That would be pretty messed up if they did. Tongue sticking out

Oh, and keep in mind... While this happened at HBGames (where Venetia warned them), the chatlog was from Chaos-Project whose members wanted to send the spam n stuff. It's not HBGames.
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