
Full Version: Getting Banned or Not?
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so i'm on hbgames minding my own business Sarcasm + Confused
out of nowhere some guy decides to give me advice on making my software better, in my own software thread.

Indifferent ...i ignored him... Indifferent

2 turns later, the guy decides to use his Supernova(ultimate attack) to completely get my attention >.<
so i basically cleared up all his questions, NOW an angry mob is after me!!!

ok ok ok, how can i resist not getting banned from yet another forum @.@

PS: these guys obviously want a keyboard full on it from me, so i'm trying to think happy thoughts here Laughing
I suggest having fun, no matter what that is.

getting fed up at them will do ya no good trust me.
Whatever you choose to do just have fun with it.

Go out with a bang...? :P
lol Renard :p

You be the professional out there and retreat in silence, if they can't respect what you do, I suppose they don't deserve the work you put into it.
What I react on in this thread is how you seem to consider the act of telling you how to make your software better rude. I have not seen the thread and the pictures weren't working, but I would suggest simply leaving the threads related to this as they are. Perhaps you could post a link?

Now I looked at the thread (I found it on HBGames). It doesn't seem to be a problem really, nobody is threatening to ban you. The only guy who was being rude did get a warning warning (warning of getting a warning, nice huh?).
Oh yeah, I skimmed by the topic last night when I visited chaos-project. Some comments from their chat-box...

Chat Box (From bottom to top)

From what I've seen in the chatbox, and in the actual topic in question, somebody gave you proper advice on improving a software function and you blatantly gave them the cold shoulder. I'm not extensively knowledgeable about the software you're creating or the language it is programmed in, so I can't tell you if his advice was good advice or not (I'm assuming it was).

There are some better ways you could've handled the situation, such as maybe trying out what he suggested, or bringing up an argument about why his advice doesn't fit your situation. Unfortunately, I'm not qualified enough to give you a second opinion about his suggestion, but perhaps he knows what he's talking about? Maybe? He just might...

"I've been working with Visual Studio for awhile I know what I'm talking about." ~game_guy

See, maybe.

"In fact make something like this and release it as small as it is. Gui is fantastic, its helpful and its a whopping 2.2 MB. ... 851.0.html" ~game_guy

Oh. Then, most likely.

I don't know, I don't really see anything that is going to result in a ban yet, I don't even really see anybody flaming you or being a prick (one small instance, but that was it.) I think you should keep working on your character generator, maybe even figuring out what game_guy did and, if you're feeling good, do it better!

This is a silly argument and I don't even know why its being brought to, it should remain at hbgames. Either way, I hope the best of your project, and I hope you might even make some unexpected friends (or frienemies) out of it.

"don't use being free as an excuse for a subpar product. push yourself, my friend, to be the best in everything that you do" ~noise

Sorry, I liked that quote! Anyways, good luck!
Wait wait wait... You brought up a topic on Save-Point discussing something that happened on HoBoGames?
*Turns away and walks out the door*

i feel a lot more relaxed on Save Point, probably because i don't think you'll ban me for nothing.

so like i said on HoboGames, i mean HBGames. the size of the program is large because of the internal databanks, CharaGen has all medieval weapon details including images of the weapons inside the program's resources. also CharaGen has over 1 million names separated in files along with a basic file for all names. multiply that by 2 since i account for female names as well.

also, since i didn't learn .net 2.0 i would have to take out some .net 4.0 specific stuff i used and so on...
also, i made both apps. CharaGen and StoryForm are both mine, i just didn't share CharaGen.

simple version:
.net 2.0 was out of the question for my app and the size can't be reduced unless i remove CharaGen which is a special feature for easy game story creation.
This guy claims to be reasonable????
Exerpts from HBGames thread
There is more so-called critique, but was followed by Venetia as a voice of reason
Venetia Wrote:no more arguments or instigating behavior please. it is his prerogative if he doesn't want to FOLLOW criticism. he is not overreacting to it, nor complaining about it; he's politely ignoring it. which isn't a crime or anything.

A few lines from that chat caught my attention.
Exerpts from that chatbox

Seriously? And you're thinking you'd get banned? Threats to spam your thread, spam your eMail, and other acts because you don't want to take their advice? They should be the ones in trouble.

Technically, I'd request his post(s) removed from your topic for thread hijacking... if they have that as a rule. I don't think so, because Venetia mentioned relaxed rules. *sigh* But having a copy of this chatlog to show their character wouldn't hurt either.

One would have the right to accept or ignore ideas for a program as they see fit. If someone was selling some software and accepted someone else's advice or portion of code, that second person could cause a problem in legal ownership. Not the case in this piece of software as you offered your system for free, but it is something reasonable to consider. I know a few who state they cannot accept code or advice for that very reason.
well, i did get banned from Chaos Projects for the same thing as this. i didn't take their opinion and instead gave them a piece of my mind lolz. well, i don't like getting banned on my alias for something i didn't do.


the email spamming is not a threat, they actually did it. about 145 emails i think.
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