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Save-Point - RPGMXP: Diagonal Only Movement Script


Full Version: RPGMXP: Diagonal Only Movement Script
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I'm requesting a script to be made for RPG Maker XP that disables the normal horizontal and vertical movement and replaces it with only horizontal options, with the following controls:

Up Key - NW
Right Key - NE
Down Key - SE
Left Key - SW

Basically, I'm looking for 4-way isometric movement, but there's no need for an isometric engine, as I'll be simulating that with tilesets.

Well, I have a script called Eight Directional and More Frames which could ALMOST fit the bill. *sigh* It has a feature where you could rotate the movement by 45 degrees (giving your angle), but I set up that feature only to work with the 8 directional system on.

But... if you go through the script and change every occurrence of dir8 to dir4, that could do it.
Thank you so much. I'll be sure to try this out. Honestly, eight directions is what I was looking for, but I limited it to four to make it easier for the scripter...

EDIT: I've got the script running just fine in my game. Thanks!