
Full Version: Variable = Actor Level not working (VX)
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I'm trying to do something really simple, and it doesn't work.

In an Event, go to Control Variables. Variable - single. Set. Actor 001:Ralph's Level.
When I display it in a message window, the variable shows as 0.

I can set variables using other stuff, like Constant, Random, Character, etc. But all of the Actor ones don't work.

Any idea how I can get the actor's level saved as a variable? Maybe I could extract it with a custom script or something?

You shouldn't have to. What you're doing should work.

Screenshot your event for us?
here's the first screenshot:

[Image: test1il.jpg]

and the second:

[Image: test2jd.jpg]

sorry about the bad quality.
While your event may or may not be set up correctly, I do recall the "set variable to actor parameter" bug that EB forgot to fix when they released VX. Sure enough, I googled and found a thread related to this issue here.

To fix this issue, open up your script editor and clear out everything in the Game_Interpreter class, replace it with this. Don't thank me, thank and trickster023 for necroposting the fixed version there, lol.