
Full Version: In Unity -- Elliptical Diffusion's Theme
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For crit/comments on my game's theme song under works. The title is 'In Unity'.

Currently the instrumental is almost complete. The guitar's distortion needs work and better mixing. There is a bit of strings work needed, but all of the notes and melodies are in place and mostly mixed properly.

I already started recording some of the vocal melodies however, just to get them in place. I'm working with separate harmonies. My voice will not be the only voice featured in the song, but we will have another female and a few male voices, so the song sounds like a 'choir' of individuals. That is our current plan, anyway.

Composed by: Burstknuckle/Nightmare Nadia
Lyricks: Astromith
Vocals/Mixing (current): Myself

Come great spirit of creation
You're the anchor in dark hours
Now we dream of liberation
Sweetly singing to our hearts
In evening's glare

CLICK TO LISTEN (current chorus sample 1/ part vocals)
Nice, good vocals! Sweet tune too! =3

As for the mix, it needs quite a lot of work. It's cluttered (frequencies are all battling to have a place) and lacks definition. It also needs widening, the guitar should be bigger (wider) too. The piano doesn't sound very realistic either. Like someone's hitting it with a hammer... Should be more natural sounding. ^^

If you need any help with the mixing/mastering I'm happy to help. :)
Well I like the piano sound the way it is so its staying (I don't want it to be realistic >_> ) XD. The rest I pretty much said to him. Most of the game has very digital sounding musick which is my favourite. Think PSX scifi game type things~
Yeah sure thing. I'm offering advice, that's all. :)
I look forward to the finish product (and hope you don't mind me commenting on it too... ^^ ).