
Full Version: Level Up Event Script
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An Event on each map that would create a text box notifying the player that he/she has "leveled up" when they have, in fact, leveled up.

Does that make sense?

This doesn't look like a request. Looks more like RGSS support. Moving. :o
...That script wasn't what I was referring to.

My game works on a quest based system, so I'm going to need a notification that doesn't apply only to post-battle-screens. Which is why I said "An event on each map."
How many playable characters do you have?
Do you add and remove characters during the game?
What kind of information should this message show? Just "Joe leveled up"?
Do you want the ordinary message window that you have to close or something that fades away automatically?
1, no, yes, fades away automatically.
You should make an animation and some conditional check.... .-.
Or you can try this:

# ? Scene_Map
class Scene_Map
  alias main_level_up main
  def main
    @level_up_window =
    #original call

  alias update_level_up update
  def update
    # original call

# ? Window_Level_Up

class Window_Level_Up < Window_Base
  def initialize
    super(160, 416, 320, 64)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    self.visible = false
    @wait_count = 0
  def refresh
    self.contents.draw_text(self.contents.rect, $game_party.actors[0].name +
      " reached level " + $game_party.actors[0].level.to_s, 1)

  def update
    if $game_system.old_level < $game_party.actors[0].level
      $game_system.old_level = $game_party.actors[0].level
      # Play decision SE
      self.visible = true
      self.opacity = 255
      self.contents_opacity = 255
      @wait_count = 40
      if @wait_count > 0
        @wait_count -= 1
        if self.opacity > 0
          self.opacity -= 4
          self.contents_opacity -= 4
          self.visible = false

# ? Game_System

class Game_System
  attr_accessor :old_level
  alias initialize_level_up initialize
  def initialize
    @old_level = 1
    # original call

That's exactly what I was looking for.