
Full Version: Battlers/charsets/drawn stuff you won't ever use because it won't match your game
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These are some battlers I've made for my game. i'm eventually redrawing all the rtp tilesets so they match with the battlers.

Sawfly- Shooting Star- Dwarf Warrior- Clamapus-
[Image: Sawfly.png] [Image: ShootingStar.png] [Image: Edsel.png] [Image: attachment.php?aid=1836]

Flora Clam- Boogerman- Stigma-
[Image: FloraClam.png] [Image: Boogerman.png] [Image: Stigma-1.png]

Virulent Larvae-
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1837]

Beta Weapon-
[Image: BetaWeapon.png]

[Image: Aringor.png]

and last but not least, the Picket Gator. He is on strike because everyone thinks he's a crocodile, but he wants them to know he's an alligator.
[Image: PicketGator.png](They're not very good communicators)

What does savepoint think?
I think your drawings look really good and they're very creative. I'd work on the shading though so they have more dimension to them. (I posted a list of a million tutorials in the tutorials section that has a list of shading tutorial if needed).
I just like the cartoony look, it fits with the overall tone of my game, which is to say it isn't very serious in the least bit. I just can't take serious games seriously. if anything, the overly-serious tones of some games are what make me realize it's a game, and it's a very off putting realization. There won't be a lot of shading going on when I redo the tilesets and charsets to match.

Termite Soldier
[Image: termiteSoldier.png]

Desert Warrior (some shading)
[Image: KeptieWarrior.png]

Liquid Metal Clam
[Image: LiquidMetalClam.png]

I also just realized that in google chrome, you can click and drag the battlers around your window and they can have fake fights with each other Laughing
Beta weapon ftw :-)
srsly they're pretty refreshing in this development scene. Can't wait to see what kind of game you make out of this ^^
good luck!
i do have a current demo, but there were some bugs i didnt originally come across during the playtesting. the next one i'll definitely post here.
battler portrait. it's a barbarian.

[Image: dyZyznK.png]
[Image: hfjwjax.png]

metal shutter doors for shipping containers and warehouse docks
Dayum. The urban setting I have in the opening of my Lycan demo coulda used doors like this. I mean, it has a movie theater, but I likey.

Do more.
here's what it looks like all put together in the city.

[Image: bLQi6Vu.png]
Did you put in a freakin rod-iron fence with spikes on the East side?
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