Does anyone know of screen capture software that is free and easy to use?
What would you recommend?
I tried Fraps but it only records games, I need to record the browser and other windows.
An RMXP demo that uses a screencapture .dll....
It's an edit of an old demo I found years ago at a German RMXP site. I think the .dll was distributed with the MACL at one time, though I found the original demo years before.
SimpleShare records videos, does screenshots, and uploads files to for you- So you can share quickly after recording.
Thank you for the ideas!
For the RMXP thing:
I can't extract the file, the file RGSSS100J.dll hangs my extracting program, and I have tried using two different ones.
So I tried extracting it without that file, but then the Game.exe hangs.
I got it open, and now I don't understand what this is... haha. I can't read anything in the demo either. I need something to record things other than RMXP.
Oh, and I am checking out SimpleShare now!
That's unusual.
If you were able to extract everything but the RGSS.dll itself, you can use your own RGSSwhateverE.dll file after changing/editing the Game.Ini to use your own .dll. The Game.Exe is the same one you'd have in other RMXP games, so that should be no problem.
But it's the screenshot.dll file that's the one you'd need. The code to USE it is in the project. And I think you can find code for its use in the MACL (Methods and Class Library).
EDIT: MACL right
I don't use RMXP, or need to record RMXP. I'm not sure what this RMXP thing is, it is interesting, and I got the game to open. I have no idea how it will help me. What exactly does this RMXP demo do? I am guessing it allows people who make RMXP games to capture what goes on in their games?
Also, just to be clear, I need to record video of windows and other screens around my computer, not games, not screen shots.
I find
Camstudio to be effective. It leaves minor afterimages, but it works fine, except for lag on slow computers.
Non!!! I can't speak french! haha..
I will check out Camstudio too! Thanks guys!
I gotta see which will be best for recording my flash website game, and maybe even use this software to record tutorials!