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We all know they're out there. just like bigfoot. games that devlopers have forgotten to make. stuff like call of duty:mutton chOPS. what types of games are missing in your life?

ive always wanted to hack a megaman rom and make a game where he gets shrunken down and has to fight off robotic cockroaches, avoid falling in the garbage disposal, and fight off the villanous Hairdryer Man.
Hm...Actually, I mostly can think of "why didn't they release this outside of Japan?" types of games.
I got two of these, both were games I wanted to have really bad and both fully in Japanese. I do enjoy them but I wish I'd be able to read the text XD' (With one especially, I have to play it on an emulator since I have now clue how I save XD') I know they're awesome and I am certain the text is highly interesting but I can only guess as to what is being said ^^'

But games that I want to be me think.
I always wanted a Pokémon Beat'em up game, but when i found Pokémon Type Wild I was more then happy with that even tough it is not official ^^
And I would really like to see a Kirby-Spin-off kinda thing which focuses on Meta Knight. Not as in 'complete the main game and unlock him' but actually one focusing on him as protagonist. (I actually even have an idea for one XD' Would I be able to animate an intro and outro and would I know how to do a hack, I would actually do this XD' Even tough I am not really a fan of hacks.)

Aside from that I can't think of anything at the moment... I'll come back if I have an other idea.
I fully agree with yamina about the MK game, but what I would want is...a Kirby RPG, with all four Kirbies (pink, yellow, red, green) and characters from the anime.
really? theres more than one kirby? wow.

i think some sort of backwards tower defense game would be neat. like you play as bacteria invading a body
@XPlunatic: Ah, yes! A game based on the Anime Characters would be interesting as well ^^ I thought about it the other day but came to the conlusion that a game based on an Anime based on a series of games is highly unlikely XD Especially since the Game and Anime Canon don't work togehter. It'd still be interesting but I guess that would have to be a Fanproject =)
(01-22-2012, 05:59 AM)KasperKalamity Wrote: [ -> ]i think some sort of backwards tower defense game would be neat. like you play as bacteria invading a body
While the concept might not be new, I like the idea ôo
That might be interesting to play XD

ive been playing with this idea for awhile: earth, and nearly every other planet in our galaxy is dead. so to keep from going extinct, humans have built a huge "ark" to get us to another planet. on this ship, people are connected to a vr simulation that lets them experience the whole of human history firsthand through different scenarios, or 'lives'. the goal being to learn how humanity pulled it together, and cooperated for the greater good in order to avoid extinction, which will in turn, allow the simulation to end once they reach their new planet.

after flying through some sort of space macguffin, the program becomes corrupted and starts to give humans free will. from there, the players can work together to build a functioning world that will lead to them being freed once the spaceship lands, or totally screw up the vr world to keep everyone connected. i'm envisioning this as a persistent mmo, that would assign each player a randomly generated character when they first log in, at whatever point the simulation is at on the human timeline.
i want a game that's like fps dodgeball. you and the opponent would shoot team colored balls at their opponent. if they hit, it's a point. if they miss, the player can refill their ammo with the opponent's team colored balls.

the balls would display in a chamber in descending order. once an opponent's team ball appears as the active ball in your chamber, you can either hoarde their ammunition, as it is limited, or shoot it out at them. if it hits them, they get a point. once a ball hits the ground, it is reloaded into the nearest player's gun, unless their chamber is full.

the round would either be counted by score, or deathmatch rules, allowing the score or k/d ratio to count as a tiebreaker in any cases.

cany anyone help me make this a reality?