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Save-Point - random transport


Full Version: random transport
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I need a script that will allow me to transport the player to some pre designed maps at random. what i'm looking to do is unveil the backstories of my characters through dream sequences. however, i want it to come at random when the player sleeps at home, or at an inn. is this even possible? everything would take place on the dream map, but i can't figure out how to get back to whichever bed the player was sleeping in. can i make this happen with events? or does it need a script to accomplish?
You can do this with events. To return to the right place after a dream you could store the map id, x position and y position in variables before entering the dream map. After the dream, you can set up a teleport event with the preset variables as destiny.
that'll do, but what about the randomosity?
You could control that by an other variable.
Make a common event, set it on parallel and set a trigger switch. In it you set up a variable with random numbers, say from 1 to 10. At the point in your game when these flashback dreams shall start, activate the switch and call the common event.
Now, when you make your 'going to sleep events' include a conditional branch that will check if the variable has a certain number. If so, you go to a dream. If not, nothing will happen.
Or you set up the conditional branch in the CE and only change the variable at the sleep events, then force it to a blank number after the dream to prevent it from repeating. What ever works better.
hmmmm... ill have to learn more about variables. right now i cant do more than 'catch x butterflies' is there a way to not visit those maps more than once?
Well, you can set up an rmxp Switch to be turned 'on' once you visit a map, so you can perform a check or series of checks / tests. True, it may take some effort with events,

@>Conditional Branch: Switch[0001] VisitedMap1]==ON
  @>Conditional Branch: Switch[0002] VisitedMap2]==ON
    @>Control Variables: [0001:MapID] = 3
  : Else
    @>Control Variables: [0001:MapID] = Random No (2..3)
  :Branch End
: Else
  @>Conditional Branch: Switch[0001] VisitedMap2]==ON
.............. etc
@>Transfer Player Variable [0001][0002][0003]
Don't forget about 'where' they show up in the map.

Cumbersome, but doable. I've seen very complex systems done with events.