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Save-Point - The Bug in Neo Mode 7! Help!


Full Version: The Bug in Neo Mode 7! Help!
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Hello people, I decided that using Neo Mode 7 on my project, however, there is a bug that's driving me crazy Angry !
Look at these pictures:

[Image: imagem1gd.png]

[Image: imagem2ze.png]

During the game, the trees are appearing and disappearing all the time Sarcasm + Confused !
I ask particularly for the MGC proceblema help me with this, since it was he who created the Neo Mode 7 can he know what the problem is!
Please MGC , I need your help Confused !
The code that esou using this on the map is:
MAP [NM7] [# 55]
And the zoom is 300.
And if that does not help, did a demo for you to see and know more clearly the problem Sad !


Thank you for your attention Blushing + Cheery !

Paste this under the NeoM7 scripts :

class Sprite_V < Sprite
  def update
    if $game_system.neoM7_loop
      diff_y = ($game_player.y - y_map).to_i
      offset_y = $game_map.height * (diff_y >= 0 ?
      (diff_y / ($game_map.height >> 1)) :
      (diff_y / ($game_map.height >> 1)) + 1)
      diff_x = ($game_player.x - x_map).to_i
      offset_x = $game_map.width * (diff_x >= 0 ?
      (diff_x / ($game_map.width >> 1)) :
      (diff_x / ($game_map.width >> 1)) + 1)
      neoM7(x_map + offset_x, y_map + offset_y)
      neoM7(x_map, y_map)
    neoM7_zoom(x, y)
    if !on_screen_x(x) or !on_screen_y(y)
      self.opacity = 0
    self.opacity = 255
    self.z = 4 * y + 32 * priority

class Sprite
  def on_screen_x(value_x)
    real_length = (length.to_f * zoom_x).to_i >> 1
    return (value_x.between?(-real_length, 640 + real_length))
  def on_screen_y(value_y)
    real_height = (height.to_f * zoom_y).to_i
    return (value_y.between?($game_temp.height_limit_sprites, 480 + real_height))

Also, it seems that you don't use the NeoM7+ addon. Is there a particular reason for that ?
Oh, my God! MGC Thank you, thank you so much Blushing + Cheery !
As for your question, I have never understood what that add-on was Confused !
If there is not too much to ask, to which add-on that serve Blushing + Cheery ?
Again, thank you Laughing Blushing + Cheery !

EDIT: It would have to also utilize the zoom system without activating the code on the map?
Oh, if you need something (textures for the H-mode 7), just let us know!
You may gain some fps by using the addon. I don't see any drawbacks...

Raphael Rpg Games Wrote:It would have to also utilize the zoom system without activating the code on the map?

What do you mean ? Do you want to assign it to a key, instead of using events ?
I meant to say, if I can zoom, without activating the "tags terrain", as if the system was just to put on the map zoom, and did nothing more!
Name of the map would look like this:
City United (Without [NM7] to activate the system), and the zoom would be called by an event (using a "comment" or just "call script").
Got it? Thanks again for your attention!