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So. After years and years of working with the XP, I've just thought to myself, while setting the priorities for a tileset "Always cklicking five times to get the highest priority for a large graphics of many tiles takes so long. I wish you could just rightclick it and it count down too."
To prove that point, I rightclick a tile.
...I...did not expect to see that that actually worked.
have you tried right clicking on other stuff? it'll give you a "what's this"


edit: this is worth a read too if you're serious serious into making games:
Yes, I am aware of that.
And to be fair, that was what I expected to see when I rightclicked that tile. Xb
thats how i found out too €: i wanted to know what the symbols on the tileset page were for.
This laptop has a touch screen... And that means I can draw with my finger! :D
The only thing I hate about getting better at something is, the older the work, the harder it is to even look at.

Absolutely lost it the other night, just so sick of seeing the old artwork I wound up deleting 3/4ths worth of five years of work. Out of twenty-something tilesets, only 3 have been kept, the rest of it is capital CRAP which makes me want to stab my eyes out. It's one thing to fix and update a piece here 'n there but I just felt like, at this point, it'd be easier to burn it all and start fresh. There is only so much that can be tolerated, I had to do it and I'm not sorry.

Do you cook and serve crap to your family? I can't do that. I'm a much better 'chef' now, but I'm pondering just hanging up my hat and apron and getting the hell out of the kitchen. Then again, it's not the first time I've felt that way, so I know I'm full of shit. I'm just going to keep going on this because what the heck else is there to do? Exactly.
(06-15-2014, 03:24 AM)Kain_Nobel Wrote: [ -> ]The only thing I hate about getting better at something is, the older the work, the harder it is to even look at.

Absolutely lost it the other night, just so sick of seeing the old artwork I wound up deleting 3/4ths worth of five years of work. Out of twenty-something tilesets, only 3 have been kept, the rest of it is capital CRAP which makes me want to stab my eyes out. It's one thing to fix and update a piece here 'n there but I just felt like, at this point, it'd be easier to burn it all and start fresh. There is only so much that can be tolerated, I had to do it and I'm not sorry.

Do you cook and serve crap to your family? I can't do that. I'm a much better 'chef' now, but I'm pondering just hanging up my hat and apron and getting the hell out of the kitchen. Then again, it's not the first time I've felt that way, so I know I'm full of shit. I'm just going to keep going on this because what the heck else is there to do? Exactly.

Unlike you, I get a sense of nostalgia from my old works...
(06-15-2014, 03:24 AM)Kain_Nobel Wrote: [ -> ]The only thing I hate about getting better at something is, the older the work, the harder it is to even look at.

Absolutely lost it the other night, just so sick of seeing the old artwork I wound up deleting 3/4ths worth of five years of work. Out of twenty-something tilesets, only 3 have been kept, the rest of it is capital CRAP which makes me want to stab my eyes out. It's one thing to fix and update a piece here 'n there but I just felt like, at this point, it'd be easier to burn it all and start fresh. There is only so much that can be tolerated, I had to do it and I'm not sorry.

Do you cook and serve crap to your family? I can't do that. I'm a much better 'chef' now, but I'm pondering just hanging up my hat and apron and getting the hell out of the kitchen. Then again, it's not the first time I've felt that way, so I know I'm full of shit. I'm just going to keep going on this because what the heck else is there to do? Exactly.
I had a similar reaction to the first maps I did for my game. In fact, I've spent the last weeks improving them now that I know a thing or two about mapping.
I cringe at a lot of my old work. Many times I can't stand to look at it, but I have learned to keep it all. It is proof that you have gotten better, it shows how your style changed over time and it was most likely 'your best' at the time.
Analyzing it will make you see mistakes you made, and you will remmeber to not make them again. Or maybe you see something that was not so terrible after all and suddenly actually has something going for it.
It's a step you've build on your way up and when you throw away that foundadtion, the things higher up aren't as stable anymore.
That's how I look at it =)
i can't watch my own standup, or listen to myself rap. other people like it, but i cringe.