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I don't really want to do any post-processing to stats, as it sounds finicky, or that I might even have problems where stats will go down because of it. x; I've just discovered this script, which allows stats to be set outside of RM and imported into the database, which would be great if I knew how to be efficient as possible about it...
Downward arcing stats. I can say it now. Never saw that coming.
This whole thing about stats going down when leveling up reminds me of a particular case in Final Fantasy IV. Tellah, the great sage of Mysidia and temporal party member, suffers from this as his physical stats, sans HP, decrease when leveling up. This was done intentionally to show that his age is catching up with him and that he cannot gain more strength and fortitude.

This also reminds me that I still hate the fact that RMPXP doesn't have a defense/stamina/vitality stat. I should really get over it.
You could change one of the speed stats that don't do a whole lot into a defense stat. You just have to modify attack_effect and skill_effect.
Now that you mention it, I've always thought that having a stat for agility and one for dexterity is really mystifying.

And I guess something like that could be done, but I'm afraid that will mess any of the several scripts I've got. Naturally, that would result into the opening of a whole new can of worms.
When my project with in RMXP I calculated stat growths for STR, PDEF, and MDEF, by doing stuff with STR/INT and DEX, or some sort. It was really basic though, some divided combination or sort. I dislike the idea of stats that are flat 0 without equipment, really.

For Christmas Eve, I totalled up the elemental affinities of equipment! This was to see how many items did Weak vs Def and Absorb or whatever else, and I found out I had far too many weaknesses for *equipment*, stuff that should be *defending* you, so that helped me balance it out. This was then though followed by Christmas visits during Christmas Day and Boxing Day, so I haven't got to inputting them yet.

Some of them don't even have names, but I have the basic stats down, so I'll work around that when I need to have them obtainable, I guess. I'd rather have less things to rework for balance or theme than leave everything up to whatever I'll need later on. I find it easier to work too if I have stuff ready to be put in, which is probably why I've been stuck on doing system stuff for years.
First What's Up, RMers? post of 2015!

I took a holiday break from all projects, but I'm back with a vengeance! Currently improving some battle backgrounds I made last year and figuring out the goals I need to lay out for the next three to six months. The biggest, most challenging task on the table is getting some damn spriting done; heroes, monsters, NPCs, interactive objects, etc. There is no doubt this will be another busy year, but hopefully it'll come to an end with much more progress!
Been working out the details on the game data editors, turns out the *.rxdata files are for the most part arrays with index 0 containing a nil value.

Moving soonish, got the last $400 I needed to repair my Yamaha Vino, going to be 1. Designing software to manage the new facility's larger homeless population and laying out the infrastructure for its new Good Sam Cafe (thinking like a library layout, four desks together in islands. Debating whether a separate pc for each would be best or to use one with multiseat).
Well, index 0 (the starting record) being nil, I understand. The ID of your actors starts with 1 (Aluxes) on up to 8 (Gloria). Your enemies starts with ID 1 (the Ghost) and on up. Rather than perform a series of recalculations on the ID and index, they just show the index of 1 on up in the editor's database to make it easier for the end user and the editor design.

Still gotta work on all my eMail services NetZ, Winking

And I am shouting a WHOOP WHOOP on your bike.
I'm currently working on creating a whole bunch of facesets for a project, that was originally intended to be without. But oh well Xb
Furthremore, I'm toying with the idea for a feature, but I am not quite sure how to implement that just yet.
Also, I really need to come up with a logo for that project at some point >_>