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I almost feel like I need a secondary editor for my game, just for a segment of enemy data. Of course, that might just overcomplicate things. It's like, working with at least 65 lines of note box data is just not sensible, when
a) the data is super important
b) that goddamn notebox doesn't have a scrollbar

I know it seems really dumb to obsess over it, but I have a design major and I get picky about UI I regularly use.

Here's how an example/test boss enemy's note info looks:
PHP Code:
<ap: 150>
attack animation: 65>
# Phase 1

# Raining Shots
<enemy action: 130, 10>
turn 1 && hp higher 60%) ||
hp lower 15%;
enemy action>

# Attack
<enemy action: 36, 3>
turn 2+1*;
hp higher 15%;
enemy action>

# Erratic Shot
<enemy action: 128, 5>
turn 2+2*;
hp higher 15%;
enemy action>

# Blind Shot
<enemy action: 131, 7>
turn 2+3*;
hp higher 60%;
enemy action>

# Enforce
<enemy action: 165, 10>
turn 2+5*;
hp higher 60%;
enemy action>

# Phase 2

# Flame Break
<enemy action: 66, 9>
hp lower 60%; hp higher 15%;
enemy action>

# Brandei (weak ver)
<enemy action: 171, 9>
hp lower 60%; hp higher 15%;
enemy action>

# Enspire
<enemy action: 166, 10>
turn 2+4*;
hp lower 60%; hp higher 15%;
enemy action>

# Scan Data
<scan: 1>

... and pasting that into RMVXA looks kinda like this:
[Image: rmvxa_notebox.png]

Even if the line breaks were acknowledged (no idea why not, Windows txt files are dumb and Notepad++ is more intelligent), there's still no scrollbar, and so the information doesn't feel "present" in my mind??

... *cough*, anyway. I think a special editor would be kinda interesting if possible. All I need is some way to encode/decode the custom action conditions code, as well as my own basic tags. This would be done by the editor and reinserted into database files. 8V

... or I could just keep editing things in notepad++ as I need to.
In my project's story, I've long had a soldier named Mack Gillborne as one of the main characters, a fictional Myran infantry specialist and military engineer, tasked with one last mission before he retires. After eight or so years of not having a menu portrait, I've finally drawn him one (<--see avatar), which is inspired and based on real life British SAS soldier John McAleese (RIP).

[Image: _54986279_012746757-1.jpg]
(Source : BBC)

Fictional Mack is a foul mouthed bad ass, with a role similar to Cid Highwind from Final Fantasy VII. He's an equipment specialist who often conceptualizes field gear to aid in missions. He's also the poor sucker who has to fix your crappy vehicles when they break down on site, disable explosives when others are too nervous to "cut the wire", things of that nature. He's just got one more mission on his shoulders before he can retire, but the closer he gets to finishing his job, the harder it is for him to let go as he feels he must see things through to the end.

There are some things I'd like to do to make the character look slightly different from his inspired real life counterpart, but I'm not sure what exactly I would change. The name has always been Mack and he's always been a mustache wielding bad ass, so maybe the inspiration was divinely meant to be! Nevertheless, his fictional counterpart is pretty bad ass in his own right, hopefully it would do John Mac proud!

Pointless Trivia
I'm currently setting up skills that can be learnt by characters through various means. To assist with this, I created a skill debug screen. This displays if any character can learn a skill, or if the currently selected would. It's really helpful.

[Image: skilldebug_02.png]

The only thing that disappoints me is that this won't turn up in the full game, of course. Which is sort of why I'm posting it here than the screenshots thread, as it's a debugging screen. :T
I found an example of what I am looking for in one of my games.
In my game there is the Formless world that has tiles (but not islands) in every which direction, much like the Distortion World in Pokemon Platinum:

How can i achieve something similar to this? Maybe we can make a script...
You could probably create something basic with events and rotating the character sprites, as long as any navigation or puzzles you're designing aren't too complicated. It depends on what you have in mind in particular, especially since RM is (usually) 2D.
I want my character to look like they are walking on walls.... there would be areas on the normal rotation that couldn't be reached without going near the wall and walking on it, like in the video at 1:00.
From what I examine... it would involve the use of a mode7 script, and character sprite rotation.

But look at 6:00 onwards, that is exactly the kind of walls I'm after.
H-Mode 7 - > Event with movement restriction, and change the rules of movement to a X or a Y line, and then where the other directions are changed, you change player altitude with the new charset. lol

ANYWAY!!! Guess who finally got done transferring about 400 GB of stuff the hard way! THIS GUY! Wes blessed with the means to upgrade my computer, to a nice new HP Touchsmart 20, so I was trying to get everything form my laptop for my mother in law to help with her ministry...

Easier said than done, HA! First I tried Homegroups, that went slow, then I tried a flat network transfer, and again - molasses... I even tried my flash drive and an external HDD (which, btw, I need another one and soon, this one's corp slot, is slightly tempermental)

Finally at 2AM I got the last package for transfer sent on its way, and went to bed. When my alarm clock woke me up at 6:30, all was done, and I was able to concentrate on task number two, factory Default PC.

But with that said, here's the best news... I now have a computer that WON'T MELT 10 minutes into a 3d software work, so either I'll be able to pre-render a lot of stuff, or I'll be looking at a low-end 3d software to start learning 3d game design, and work my way up to Unity or UDK or something.
> HP touchsmart
oh god, I had been using tablet PCs for so long to do everything, and they get hot from prolonged use. Eventually I actually got a proper desktop, reserved a tablet for artwork, and now RM games don't have lag unless I test them on my tablet. :B (or they're using terrible scripts)


Thinking up names for items and stuff is still difficult. I've got the skills done, at least, and a large number of "armours"/clothing... now accessories have me stumped. I probably don't need to think all this up at this stage, maybe I'm just distracting myself from having to compile tilesets.
Tilesets have been awkward enough in VXA that I've even thought about doing all my maps panoramas and drawn by hand, but maybe that would be the complete opposite direction.

I miss being able to take rips off from Charas-Resource or something and making the extra edits I need. Not copying and pasting and resizing everything for hours just to be able to map. Ugh.

Have I rambled about this already? I go back and forth between stuff for this project such that I don't remember.
Yeah, that's the great thing. My Touchsmart, while not a TURE desktop (at meast in my purist opinion) does 8192 x8192 Fractal renders like a champ... Laptop would have melted by now... BEAUTIFUL RENDERS! I can see this thing doing my height map very soon for my project.

And the going back and forth on stuff for projects thing? Ask DerVVulfman and the others, how many engines and implementations have I tried for Roguehaven? how many versions of tilesets? (rolls eyes...) The struggle is real, my friend..
Sometimes small chances make a big difference. RMVXA uses a general enemy troop turn count for the enemies' action conditions when regarding turns. I gave battlers "personal_turn" values, ones that count up with their actions, and now their action patterns actually adhere to expected patterns.

Sometimes small oversights make big bugs. I had values defined to get arrays from notes through regex, and then my later code didn't refer to those values. I didn't notice until later when every actor could equip armour 1-7, because two sets of data in the class notes were getting mixed. :B
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