(02-02-2016, 09:48 PM)kyonides Wrote: [ -> ]If you fixed my screenshots, derv, why don't they show up now? I can only see this: [Image: name of the screenshot.png]
That is extremely odd. Because I only got that message prior to the fix. Your previous image links sent me to html pages.
Still working on this raycasting system.
To be honest, I was able to deliver up to three layers of raycasted levels, but there is serious slowdown with three. However, This screenshot shows that I am now using 128x128 quality graphics in the system. I also have options for speedy or slow graphics. On the bad side, speedy is half the typical 640x480 quality. On the good side... you are SEEING the speedy quality. It's not bad actually
Aluxes there? Well, I was working to ensure SPRITES and WEATHER can be included in the system. But I do have to work out some form of sprite positioning and raycasting priorities so some events can hid behind walls and etc.
BTW, I have another screenshot showcasing my Kuests XP script. You all should know that the current data arrangement on this screen might change during the script's development.
So what? I don't think that's a problem, we could say both of them are siblings. Besides I'm not planning to post a screenshot showing all info in my conlang Kexyana... (Mmm...)
Right now I'm kind of worried about how to make a turn the page effect but the only idea I've got doesn't look good enough to implement it.
(02-03-2016, 07:51 PM)kyonides Wrote: [ -> ]So what? I don't think that's a problem, we could say both of them are siblings. Besides I'm not planning to post a screenshot showing all info in my conlang Kexyana...
There are no whats about it, an observation simply. Yes, they are indeed Iberian siblings.
You a conlanger too?
(02-03-2016, 10:52 AM)kyonides Wrote: [ -> ]I guess its frame rate is about 10 to 15 fps...
Regarding the Raycast system? If I just run it with three map layers instead of one? Yeah.... 14fps. But as a single layer such as that screenshot? Nope! It runs fairly nice at 30+(ish). And if I port it to ReGaL? Whooooooo----*
Actually, Porting it to ReGaL is an idea. But like the Tilemap, it is graphics heavy and may need to be C+ written. NOT that we won't have code available. The intent is still to have the code accessible for editing. Hehehe... Imagine if we had access to all features of the native Graphics class or TileMap class instead of trying to figure out how it worked.
Getting the engine functional is part 1. It's slow going, but we've achieved a lot while tricking the default RMXP editor to use it. Part 2 will be editor development and adding the new touches you'll be sure to like.
Now I'm kind of stuck, I already implemented some basic transitions to let the player think he or she roughly opens and closes the quest book and I also managed to translate all strings so people could read it in their own language, if they ever speak English, Spanish or my conlang Kexyana (the latter being kind of impossible, I know). Then I found out I could let them one of the preset options (like :eng, :esp, :kex) but I thought some people might complain because their mother tongue was not my first choice making the editing process a bit tedious and blah, blah and yeah, some more blah regarding that kind of inconvenience.
BTW, I would like to ask Melana or yamina-chan (if she comes back) to translate the English version of my settings to German to make sure any German native speakers, so called Muttersprachler, can understand what is being displayed on screen. Here ts is.
# Kuests XP
# v 0.8.8 - 2016-02-03
# Scripter : Kyonides-Arkanthos
module Kuests
# Need to make a binary rxdata file? true - Yes, false - No
# Included KyoPrizeShop script previously? true - Yes, false - No
# Background Pictures Filenames
BACKGROUNDS = ['bg quest menu', 'bg quest', 'book closed']
MENU_LABEL_TRANS = '001-Blind01'
MAIN_CURSOR = 'feather inkwell'
MAIN_TABS = ['active main tab', 'inactive main tab']
QUEST_LABELS = ['active quest label', 'inactive quest label']
QUEST_ARROWS = ['arrow up', 'arrow down']
AMOUNT_FRAME = 'frame'
MISSION_BRIEFING = 'Mission Briefing'
APPOINTER_LABEL = 'Appointer:'
SUMMARY_LABEL = 'Summary:'
CLASS_LABEL = 'Class:'
DIFFICULTY_LABEL = 'Difficulty:'
REQUIREMENTS = 'Conditions'
MISSIONS_COMPLETED = ['Number of Previously', 'Completed Quests:']
REPEATABLE_LABELS = ['Repeatable?', 'YES', 'NO']
OBJECTIVES = ['Mission Objectives', 'Secondary Objectives']
# Add a new line for every single Difficulty Level for your Quests
# CLASS_ICONS[Diff_Level] = Icon_Filename
# Example: CLASS_ICONS['S'] = '033-Item02'
CLASS_ICONS['S'] = 'shield gold 36'
CLASS_ICONS['A'] = 'shield black gold 32'
CLASS_ICONS['B'] = 'shield skyblue 32'
CLASS_ICONS['C'] = 'shield orange 32'
CLASS_ICONS['D'] = 'shield black 32'
CLASS_ICONS['E'] = 'shield black cheap 32'
STAR_ICONS << 'stars 1'
STAR_ICONS << 'stars 2'
STAR_ICONS << 'stars 3'
STAR_ICONS << 'stars 4'
STAR_ICONS << 'stars 5'
module KuestManager
# Regular Expressions needed for parsing templates
@quest_name = /NAME : /i
@quest_class = /CLASS /i
@repeatable = /YES/i
@appointed_by = /APPOINTER /i
@symbol = /APPOINTER'S SYMBOL /i
@people = /PEOPLE /i
def self.people() @people end