OK, people, I will post KStates XP shortly but keep in mind it's untested...
BTW, Ahzoh, will you ever translate Kuests XP demo to any of you conlangs? I know I partially translated it to Kexyana but who knows...
Yea, DerVV, I worked hard on that backstory, which is why I wanna know what people think of it.
(02-07-2016, 05:06 AM)kyonides Wrote: [ -> ]OK, people, I will post KStates XP shortly but keep in mind it's untested...
BTW, Ahzoh, will you ever translate Kuests XP demo to any of you conlangs? I know I partially translated it to Kexyana but who knows...
Well, I don't know what translate, and I don't exactly know how I will create words like "file". Dunno what verb or noun to derive it from.
Hmm, file seems to come from a french word for " to string" which in turn comes a latin word for thread.
I could reasonably derive file from "to mix" or "to archive" or as a compound word "paper collection" being extended to having a digital context.
Anyone know where I can find female versions of this template:
Additionally, I must find running versions of this for male and female characters.
Ah, thanks.
Well, if I can't find running sprites in this style, I might have to request a commission or something.
I've been working on my Kuests XP script, I'm adding a simple statistics page so people may learn about how many S or A class quests they have completed, etc.
A while ago Ahzoh suggested I could adapt my KStates XP features to BS's like Lycan ABS but in that specific case I believe it's merely DerV's job to implement them if he want to, it's his script after all.
A few moments ago I uploaded the Spanish version of my new KyoPrizeShop XP Mangostan script that superseeds Maracuyá version. It now allows the game dev to offer elite products in exchange for elite points that are quite hard to obtain obviously.
(02-11-2016, 09:18 PM)Ahzoh Wrote: [ -> ]Ah, thanks.
Well, if I can't find running sprites in this style, I might have to request a commission or something.
I know what you're up to, Ahzoh. I'm using Half-Kaiser characters in my game too. So, you'll want to have walking, running, attacking, spell lobbing, item using, defending, etc and so on poses in all directions. What I have here are... Well, I tried having em shaded the pixel-studios way.. I only got but so far.
If you're using the paperdoll system, you will need to have one charset with all the poses like the attachments below. Oh, and for 'walking' half kaiser outfits, you may wanna check out the 'Chargen Ex' tool I made, and the resource packs it can work with. It's in the Tools forum. Converting em into all the other poses.... annoying. :P
I appreciate that. Though, why does the female one have a death pose series, while the male has a being-hit pose series?
That's not a female death pose. Closest I could get to a female 'OUCH I'M HIT' pose based on the resources I had. I did not perform the spritework. And the poses are courtesy of former RMXP.Org member, Tana.
Ah well, maybe my friend who is doing the spiriting can come up with something, especially since I also need spear poses.
At least now I know who made these.