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(02-21-2017, 04:15 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]I'm more partial to bladed weapons, but I think the Mulčolzu will be easier to use.  It's in the weapon's balance.
Of course it will be easier to use, it's a ball on a stick. Though it's not good against rigid, dissipating armour like lamellar or scale armour. That's where the swords come in.

Of course, in the game this will probably be important.
I was thinking based on whether the weapons would be balanced. Sure, the Kopšu would probably swing like a good sized scimitar. And with that, the weapon could probably cleave through wood real well. But the Ḡořku seems a bit off-balance from my standpoint. The fighting style for that has got to be pretty different (and I've handled a Klingon bat'leth with ease).
You don't swing Kopšu like a scimitar, it's a sickle sword; the blade is on the concave end and is mainly used to reach around shields to stab at your opponent. Like the shotel:

I don't see how Ḡořku is "off-balance", most cutting swords tend to have the point of balance 4-8 inches from the guard. The curve of the blade probably makes it look awkward.

And then I added a hand-and-a-half sword:
[Image: WvqBIsC.png]
So, the Kopšu is more like a scimitar Hunga Munga. (I still think that sounds like a very weird name for a weird shaped weapon)
Well the khopshu (keyboard-friendly spelling variation) also means "harpoon" and is derived from the verb khupash "an individual hooks in(wards)".

I recall the hunga munga gets its name from the sound it makes when thrown in the air.
I've found myself making a better workflow for myself, and it feels good to be getting back into things.

It's still tough doing things alone, but I'm learning a lot as I go, and at this rate, I'll be an expert at editing battlers or eventing, or at least something!  Laughing + Tongue sticking out 

At this point, I've learned to be SUPER patient with more things than ever, and I yet I'm becoming more efficient with things as well, making it a strange paradigm.
.....Okay, I just wanted to use the word paradigm.

And now I've used it twice! I feel better now, have a nice day  Tongue sticking out
I got a comrade to make some sprites for me; what I've got so far is one of the main characters Sem'eli Humri:
[Image: Semelihumri.jpg]
I'm wondering if there is a way to have an alternative full screen mode which doesn't freeze everything else in the background.
Something like a pseudo full screen where the window is maximized.
What do you mean the background freezes? Either by hitting [ALT]+[Enter] or using a script that 'tricks' RPGMaker into thinking Alt/Enter was pressed, you enter fullscreen. But the backgrounds (be it animated tiles or whatnot) should not be static.
I mean the desktop and other programs, running in the background while playing. ^^
For example: I can't do anything in the browser on my second monitor while playing RMXP games in full screen mode on my main monitor.

So I thought it would be good to have a resizeable window or at least a window scaling to the full screen (without changing the resolution of the game) or an alternative full screen mode which doesn't cause this situation.

Not sure if something like that is possible to do. Maybe it would require a complete new game.exe.