11-01-2017, 01:10 AM
(10-31-2017, 01:53 PM)Bounty Hunter Lani Wrote: [ -> ]Spaghetti code that makes the nice-looking stuff extremely laggy!
BRRRRZZZZ!!!! Nope. Not Moggy's scripts. That is, they aren't laggy. But they ARE spaghetti code and hell to read.
(10-30-2017, 09:39 PM)Steel Beast 6Beets Wrote: [ -> ]From what you mention, it seems that little to no caring went into making that script compatible with possible add-ons....
Or perhaps the author was only concerned into making the dang thing work first, everything else be damned.
Now THAT about sums it up. And if it means writing a whole new class that handles something and just throw away the original, he would do it. In fact.... he HAS.
One section of Moghunter's SKILL menu script is thus (pardon the spaghetti. I ran out of garlic bread):
# Window_Skill2 #
class Window_Skill2 < Window_Selectable
def initialize(actor)
super(0, 95, 335, 290)
@actor = actor
@column_max = 1
self.index = 0
def skill
return @data[self.index]
Why on Earth did he make a new 'Window_Skill2' class when one would suffice? Any script that adds new features to skill usage which needs to append to any module in the Window_Skill class would not work.
And let's assume you're using his Item menu. The normal Window_Item menu was replaced thusly...
# Window_Item_Ex #
class Window_Item_Ex < Window_Selectable
def initialize
super(250, 50, 295, 350)
@column_max = 1
self.index = 0
if $game_temp.in_battle
self.y = 64
self.height = 256
self.back_opacity = 160
GAK! No Parmesan Cheese?
But yeah, he decided to use a whole new Window_Item_Ex class rather than working with the default, even if he felt he needed to make two other classes to handle weapons and armor. If you had a script that let you create items with multiple charges/uses (like a potion you can drink 3 times before it is used up).... you're toast. Making a whole new class just wasn't needed.
You just don't need to re-invent the wheel.
Well, I am DONE with typing up content in the help file regarding the configuration page's many options. And yes, there were a lot of options to discuss; features that adjusted text margins to make way for quest icons, how to adjust the color for different types of text, how to handle backgrounds whether you opt for plain windowskins or go creative with background images.
Now that is done, I guess I move on to the format for the quests themselves.